So, without any further ado, allow me to start.
January 19, 2017.
The day where Ariana Grande, multi-awarded singer and songwriter, makes her stunning debut in the world of Lapis. That's right! Square Enix and Gumi made a collaboration with this pop-star sensation in order to create an experience that her fans will never forget; her inclusion to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
This move by SE is very significant as the company has to pull in new players from time to time. Additionally, there are a LOT of Ariana Grande fans out there that will ended up being fascinated by the fact that she, an already popular person of all personalities, will be included in an already very popular game.
This is actually a nice move... that comes with a cost; the dissatisfaction of certain players in the community that is the Final Fantasy fan-base.
I have visited the official Facebook page of Brave Exvius, as well as the Brave Exvius Reddit page, and I saw that a lot of people are complaining and ridiculing the collaboration itself. Here are some examples of the complaints I have encountered in the forums;
"Ariana Grande is not even a Final Fantasy character! She doesn't deserve to be in the game or we'll quit in playing this stupid game."
"Stupid decision on Square Enix's end! Why bother making such a ridiculous decision?!"
"Stupid decision on Square Enix's end! Why bother making such a ridiculous decision?!"
"What the heck is this?! What kind of stupidity are you doing Square?! Only young girls will appeal to this piece of s***!!!"
"This is ridiculous! I've lost my respect to you because you make garbage such as this."
"We quit! Go f**k yourself Square! Arrrrggghhhble!!!"
And the list goes on, and on, and on... Seriously, just because that she isn't a Final Fantasy character to just be included in the game, doesn't mean it deserves to be bashed too much. In fact, many people hated this collaboration just because they wanted to, and that's pretty unreasonable. To add insult to injury, people who despised the event and still want to play the game regardless go on to great lengths of getting rid of their Ariana units (e.g. such as fusing said unit to a "weak" unit) the moment they get her.
First of all, as what I have mentioned, this is to cater new players and to attract Ariana Grande fans in playing the game. This means that old players are not "a priority" at the moment, and I am not saying this out of neglect.
Just try to understand that Square Enix needs to get more people to play the game from time to time. This is not just to accommodate new players, but this is to ensure that the developers will be able to deliver fresh new experiences to the game in the unforeseen future; which kinda makes it a win-win deal for me.
Another complaint that I have seen so far is the sprite used for her in-game appearance. Many players think that the unit reminds them of some hooker in a bar or something, but that's not actually the case. The sprite art was accurately based on the costume she wore in the "Dangerous Woman" music video, which kinda fits her "dangerous" appeal in the game. Also, if you are going to make something familiar for fans to enjoy, then I say take everything that you can and make the most of it.
And since the song Dangerous Woman is very popular, well, I really see no reason to object, despite my displeasure...
Also, you gotta take credit for her being one of the few people to be featured in a video game that is not a politician. Besides, how come most people don't complain when their hated politician was included in a game but when some pop sensation that everybody gives a crap on about added to a game everybody joins in the flaming?! Isn't that a bit hypocritical? Such a treatment is a bit unfair.
While I don't really like her music in the long run, I must say that the music that she lend her voice for during the Dangerous Woman Tour quest grabs my attention at the very least.
In short, don't be jerks.
It's her moment. Let her have it. I mean, we do post the pics of the awesome units that you get, and it has that 'awesome' feeling of being... you know, awesome!
Instead, let's just celebrate that Square Enix have even bothered to continue in showering us with Global-exclusive contents. And if you don't like it, just clam up. You are not making the community any better with that kind of attitude.
Anyways, that's all I can say about this issue. Again, this does not mean that I like Ariana Grande or anything of the sort, but please, if you have something that you don't want, say it in a manner that people will understand rather than getting offended and call you 'fools' for it.
Enjoy the world of Lapis and have a nice day! :)
In short, don't be jerks.
It's her moment. Let her have it. I mean, we do post the pics of the awesome units that you get, and it has that 'awesome' feeling of being... you know, awesome!
Instead, let's just celebrate that Square Enix have even bothered to continue in showering us with Global-exclusive contents. And if you don't like it, just clam up. You are not making the community any better with that kind of attitude.
Anyways, that's all I can say about this issue. Again, this does not mean that I like Ariana Grande or anything of the sort, but please, if you have something that you don't want, say it in a manner that people will understand rather than getting offended and call you 'fools' for it.
Enjoy the world of Lapis and have a nice day! :)