Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Top 7 favorite Monster Hunter weapon types!

The Monster Hunter series has become a commercial success for Capcom, which is evident to the many people that plays the game all over the world (including myself). And thus, begins a little story of mine...

One day, as I embark on a new adventure as a Hunter, I crept closer to my inventory stash and found a variety of stuff that I can use in my travels; such as Potions, Paintballs, some Raw Meat, and the most important of them all, a bunch of very, very, VERY neat weapons! The question is; which one to bring?! I mean I can't bring all of these cool weapons with me, right? RIGHT?! Yes, and that's sad.

Why is it sad, you ask? Well because of a simple fact... ALL weapon types are useful in every way. There is no single one that either stands out or performs poorly. Each of them has their own significant charm to them, which makes people use these kinds of weapons.

However, while all weapons are fun to use, there are some weapons that I liked and some others that I never really had some interests on. That being said, this is my...

Top 7 favorite Monster Hunter weapon types!

Before I proceed in making this list, there are some factors that I need to consider:
1. It's advantages and disadvantages (which ones I consider to be such)
2. It's overall game-play style, and...
3, It's difficulty level (Is it recommended for beginners or not?)

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that these factors are not definitive and it does not intend to put others' opinions aside. If you have any more concerns, then feel free to reply in a very constructive manner. :)

And another note, since that I've only played Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, I may also include either the Charge Blade or the Insect Glaive on this list, so without any more delays...


Top 7: Gunlance

+ A more powerful version of the Lance
+ Can perform explosive attacks
+ Wyvern's Fire is deadlier than the Bowgun versions
+ Can move while blocking
* Promotes slow movement
* Defensive stance can make you out-of-place against faster monsters
* Wyvern's Fire requires a cooldown between uses
* Explosive rounds varies from each Gunlance type
* Has shorter range than bowguns

Notes: There are weapons to get when you are in the need of something durable yet packs an explosive punch. Much like the lances, gunlances are never meant to be used as a fully offensive weapon in the first place. Precise timing and striking is imperative to fully master the gunlances. Additionally, with it's certain and distinct advanced maneuvers such as Wyvern's Fire and Quick Draws, it may take new users some time to master this weapon. If you do, however, then prepare the fireworks display!

Top 6: Insect Glaive

+ The only weapon type that you can jump with; adding exceptional mobility
+ Possesses a powerful Kinsect
+ Can allow you to collect essences to power up your Hunter
+ Has exceptional attack speed and reach
* The weapon is evasion-reliant
* It has a very complex upgrade mechanic
* A VERY expensive weapon type to invest upon
* Has a very small weapon selection
* Monster essences differ from each monster, which makes essence-stacking difficult

Notes: One of the new weapon types introduced in the latest installment of the Monster Hunter franchise. The Insect Glaive has a lot of things to offer; such as a built-in jumping move, Kinsects that you can summon in battle, and the ability to collect extra "essences" from monsters to give you certain buffs in battle. While it is a very great weapon to use, mastering the weapon is a matter of getting used to it, with a combination of research since monster essences may give you different effects compared to others. Additionally, like I've already mentioned, the glaive is a very expensive weapon to invest upon, and a confusing one to work upon upgrading it. The first thing that you need to do to power up your glaive is to power-up your Kinsect, which requires Nectars that gives different bonuses, which can also greatly affect your Kinsect as it evolves. If the Kinsect is fully upgraded, THEN that will be the only time that you'll be able to upgrade the glaive itself, offering new and different forms of battle tactics at your disposal. With enough messing around and a little bit of advanced research, mastering the Insect Glaive is a VERY rewarding experience.

Top 5: Bows

+ Very long range
+ Has a variety of coatings at your disposal
+ Advanced techniques are very easy to pick-up and master
* Melee techniques are terrible
* Playing with bows requires you to play smart
* You are an utmost target against certain monsters
* This weapon only shines in multiplayer hunts

Notes: As one of the older weapon types introduced in the Monster Hunter series, bows are not really that used much (in my opinion, at least) and many other players prefer the more damaging bowguns. However, there are some advanced maneuvers that you can do with bows. First of all are the charged shots which varies from each bow. There you can either do Focus Shots that deal heavier damage than a normal shot, or Wide Shots that may not deal that much of a damage but covers a large area. You can also fire from a distance and deal AOE damage. Another highlight for these weapons are the coatings; which provides certain effects that makes it as deadly as bowguns. However, using a bow also requires mastery towards dodging and precise timing, since getting caught off guard by a Rathalos can surely tear your party to shreds. Also, the melee attack of this thing is terrible, so don't even bother fighting a Zinogre using pitiful melee blows.

To be honest, mastering the bow is not a chore, but the hassle of hunting solo using these weapons and the proper coatings to use can be extremely detrimental to the fun (which is also the reason why I rarely use and make these since I go solo most of the time). Just use it on Multiplayer hunts and you're golden!

TOP 4: Sword and Shield

+ A very basic weapon, suitable for any skill level
+ Acts as a cutting and blunt weapon at the same time
+ Capable of using items, even when holding the weapon
+ Almost every weapon of this type has an elemental affinity
* Overall attack power ranges from mediocre to horrible
* Easily outclassed by every other weapon

Notes: One of the easiest weapon to use in the game (just behind the Great Sword), and I had to admit, I actually had fun using these awesome toys during multiplayer hunts. First, these weapons are very straightforward; you hack, you slash, and you block! Rinse and repeat until you finish the hunt. This weapon also has outstanding amount of utility; allowing you to use items while pressing the block button, adding to the cool factor! Another thing has it going for is that the majority of the weapons in this category possess an elemental affinity; giving you additional firepower against monsters with elemental weaknesses (*cough* Tigrex *cough*). The bad thing is, being a beginner's weapon, it's easily outclassed and underwhelmed by the majority of the other weapon types, making the Sword and Shield a jack-of-all-trades kind of weapon. Nevertheless, it never disappoints.

Top 3: Dual Blades and Charge Blade

+ Fastest attack speed among all weapon types
+ It has access to an empowered mode, naturally increasing it's attack power
+ Further empowerment will grant access to other devastating attacks
* Overall weakest weapon if its multi-hit potential was excluded
* Majority of these weapons have low natural Sharpness
* Sharpness quickly deteriorates when empowered
* Evasion-reliant; making these weapons super punishable if you're not careful
* Pitiful attack range

+ Good reach with a variety of combos
+ An enhanced version of the Sword and Shield weapon types
+ Has access to extremely dangerous Phial attacks
+ Ultra Burst Attacks really packs a punch
* Phial attacks can be very difficult to master
* Unlike Sword and Shield weapons, you can't use items while blocking
* Sword Mode requires you to "charge" at some point to prevent your attacks from bouncing back
* Very limited weapon selection

Notes: You don't expect this one, do you? I like me some Dual Blades and Charge Blade goodness! While it's technically good to use these particular weapons, they come in extreme costs. Dual Blades will force you to rely on quick dodges; making you very vulnerable against monsters that can otherwise take you down in one hit, while Charge Blades, in exchange for power, loses all the reliable perks of  Swords and Shields; such as the ability to use items while blocking and the ability to smash your shield on the opponent's face. These disadvantages aside, they do have a lot of cool things to offer; such as an empowerment buff for the Dual Blades that allows you to increase the damage you inflict and the Charge Blade's phial attacks, dealing massive damage to monsters should you know how to master them. To be honest, the Dual Blades is an easier weapon to master between the two, but the Charge Blade is more rewarding to do so... if only for its very, very, VERY small weapon library!

Top 2: Great Sword

+ A large weapon that is VERY EASY to use
+ Has a large weapon selection, branching from Buster Swords to Bone Blades
+ Decent base damage
+ Allows you to shield attacks
+ Attacks have very small costs in sharpness
* Heavy weaponry that hinders movement
* Proper timing is important for heavy damage
* Sharpness is overall mediocre, making it very reliant on Whetstones
* Blocking attacks reduces sharpness

Notes: This is actually the first weapon type that I ever used... and imagine on how much fun that I had with this thing! Hacking, slashing, blocking; all at once! Well, not really, I can also do those things with Swords and Shields, but nevertheless, the Great Sword is a better weapon for me! The charge attacks with this thing is very rewarding if you timed it right, making devastating damage against foes with ease. Also, there is a GREAT weapon selection for Great Swords, making you sure that you don't get bored on ever using them. However, one thing that I hate about this is that blocking an attack will reduce the sharpness of your weapon, and with a not-so-outstanding sharpness on certain swords, things can get a little haywire... Especially if you lack the Whetstones to alleviate the already dire situation that you have. If you are the person who would like to try out large weapons while being a greenhorn in the world of monster hunting, then I highly recommend on using these harbingers! It's a great weapon with a lot of things going for with little skill needed.

Top 1: Hammer

+ Arguably the strongest weapon type in terms of raw damage
+ Has devastating multi-hit attacks
+ Capable of smashing monster parts with ease
+ Has the ability to stun foes upon repeated hits in the head
+ Another "easy-to-use" weapon
* As a dedicated blunt weapon, it cannot cut tails
* With a few technique options, using a hammer can become boring at times
* It's multi-hits can leave your hunter allies hindered if you're not careful on using it
* Careless swinging may ruin player strategies (accidentally flinging them away)

Notes: And here it is, my top favorite throughout the Monster Hunter series, and for a variety of good reasons. It has an amazing attack power; arguably the strongest weapon throughout the game (that title also goes to the Hunting Horn due to the fact that also shares the trait of having a high base attack), it has access to multi-hit combos which is capable of dealing large damage with ease, and it also possess the ability to stun monsters upon repeated hits in their noggin. However, it also comes with a cost. The hammer, while has a lot of power, does not offer a lot in terms of game play. It does what it does best, however, breaking heads and stunning large monsters with ease. In addition, it is very easy to control, making it one of my most used weapons to date. Just be careful on where you swing that hammer, because players may find it annoying to be toppled down every single time!

And that's all for this list. I apologize if you favorite weapon type did not meet the cut there. Probably because:

1. I never probably enjoyed using that much or...
2. I've never played those weapon types too often

Anyways, should you ever want to share on what your favorite weapons in the Monster Hunter series are, then feel free to leave comments about it! I do appreciate it :)

Until then, happy hunting! :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Obscurity at its finest - Earthbound Reader's Review

Nintendo is a company known for their huge titles like Mario, Pokemon, Metroid, Legend of Zelda, and more recently, Earthbound. However, back in the day, Earthbound is not really that popular. In fact, it is one of Nintendo's lukewarm titles that has received little to no attention. However, with the rise of Super Smash Bros, among other things, Ness, the main character of Earthbound (also known as Mother 2 in Japan), has been given some love and since then, Earthbound has found the attention it deserves! However, there is this one question, what makes this game so magical and timeless to begin with? Well, you'll see.

That being said, here's my third Reader's Review, and this time, I am going to talk about the timeless classic; Earthbound!

Title: Earthbound (also known as Mother 2 in Japan)
Date Released: August 27, 1994 in Japan, June 5 1995 in the United States
Company: Nintendo
Genre: RPG
Platform: SNES
ESRB Rating: K-A (Kids to Adults and re-rated as Teen for the Virtual Console re-release)

Brief Background: Earthbound is a 1994 video game released by Nintendo. It was co-developed by Ape and HAL Laboratories for the SNES. Notable people like Shigesato Itoi (writer), Hirokazu Tanaka (sound designer), and the late Satoru Iwata (co-producer) have taken part of the game's development. Upon its initial release, Earthbound suffered from poor sales in the United States; most notably due to its simple graphics, not-so-serious marketing strategies, as well as the market's lack of interest in the Japanese RPG genre at the time. Fortunately though, with the rise of a dedicated fan base, Super Smash Bros, and its recent re-release in the Virtual Console, Earthbound became a huge success as a modern-day video game.

What do you do here?
You play as Ness, a young boy living in the outskirts of Onett, where you travel across different locales to find the secret behind Giygas' attack and to stop the said menace on destroying the world. Along the way, you'll also encounter other characters that will help you or, otherwise, hinder your progress, as well as other typical RPG stuff where you battle enemies, level up, collect money, you get the point.

What makes the game interesting?
Well I did mentioned a while ago that Earthbound is just a simple RPG of sorts. However, what makes Earthbound interesting is on how it is presented. The colorful, vibrant, and modern feel of the game is a very ambitious contrast to the usual dark, grim, and medieval setting that usual RPGs offer like Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei.

The art style in this game has that particular Peanuts-esque feel to it, since most of the character designs in the game kinda reminds me of paper-cutouts mashed in a sea of oil-pastel filled suburbs and city landscapes. It's just that beautiful! Another thing that it has going for is the humor. It is funny and light-hearted at best, which can be very deceptive as the game takes on a darker tone later on.

Speaking of a darker tone, Earthbound is also infamously known for its story transition; from fun and lovable, it then transforms into something eerie and disturbing, which is considerably evident to the game's main villain, Giygas, who was also arguably to be one of the most horrifying and bizarre (in a good way) bosses of all time. The battle of Giygas is also memorable, but I won't spoil the fun on why.

Enemies can be encountered in the overworld; with sprites representing certain enemy types. What's interesting in this particular system is that when you approach an enemy from behind, you gain the upper hand, but if it is the other way around, then the enemy gains the advantage; which is a matter of risk against reward.

The battle system of this game is what you expect from other RPG's; attack enemies, use items, cast spells, and other stuff. What makes this interesting is the rolling HP meter, which adds tension to the already challenging game. When you take fatal damage that can otherwise knock you out, you are still given ample time to perform actions until the HP rolls to zero, it's kinda like a "proto-type" version of Final Fantasy's Active Time Battle system. If you heal before the character's HP falls to zero, then that character survives, adding length to some battles. There is also an Auto-Battle system which switches your control to the computer and do the battles for you, which is OK if you're too lazy, but with the difficult and complex enemy AI, it can be rather punishing.

The game is also widely known for its use of homages, such as musical clips and cultural references. However, there are some of them that needs to be altered or removed in order to neutralize any potential prejudices it may inflict upon players.

What are the flaws of this game?
One of the major setbacks of the game is that it is heavily reliant on grinding, which can be disheartening to some players who are new to the genre.

The difficulty of the game is as hard as it gets; kind of like "Shin Megami Tensei" hard (for those who played the latter, then you know what I mean). This is where the grinding aspect will take place; allowing you to level up during crucial points of the game, but it will also consume a lot of your time and inventory space.

Additionally, with the massive places around the game, it's easy for you to lose track on what to do next. Well, there are several "hints"that are scattered around the game, but it's not really helpful since that it usually requires a hefty amount of money, which you can use in buying resources instead!

Speaking of resources, Earthbound also forces you to play smart! Each character only has 14 slots, and some of the items are so indispensable that you can't even afford to keep it away from your pockets, such as food stuffs and key items. Also, you can only store 3 items at a time via Escargo Express; limiting your options on what items to be kept or to be stored away indefinitely. Also, with a lot of useful items scattered around the world, the game will force you to make a tough decision on what to throw away...

Inns, which serves as healing hubs in the game, are expensive which forces you to defeat a whole lot of enemies to get more money. Again, grinding is taken into account here, making the game even less forgiving as you proceed. Even hospitals can cost you a fortune should a number of your party members fall. To make matter's worse, the enemy AI is aggressive, also opting you to defeat said enemies to grind money and to utilize the services that they provide to you.

Another thing I considered a "flaw" is the pacing of the game. While it conveys a sense of depth to the actual story, it is kind of slow at best, which can bore most people.

You can only get the money you gain from enemies by talking to your dad on the telephone, which is OK and adds a certain realism to it, but it doesn't help that much since that you'll be on the field most of the time. There are also pay phones that you can use, which is essential since it certainly helps curing Ness' homesickness (by calling to your mommy), but it's not the most efficient way to save the game since that the black telephones (the one you'll usually encounter) practically does the same thing (except the aforementioned homesick cure) and unlike the aforementioned black telephones, pay phones requires you to PAY! Duh!

Is Earthbound a good game till this day? Why or why not?
I've never played Earthbound that much, and I've only known about the game only recently (from Classic Game Room, ProJared, among other things), but after playing the game for the first few minutes, I can't imagine on how much potential this game has to begin with. Everything about it screamed "old-school", while also managed to survive the bombardment of other obscure yet cool RPGs like Lufia and Breath of Fire. However, there is one thing that Earthbound possesses that makes other RPGs very typical, and that is the amount of nostalgia that it exudes right in your face! I think it does not try to be an RPG, but it has this unique blend of incredible cast of characters, colorful backgrounds, playful musical scores, and a very straight-forward battle system while adding some awesome spices to it. All in all, Earthbound is a classic that anyone should try!

Can you recommend this game?
If you are a fan of old-school style JRPGs, then you'll definitely enjoy this! For those who have missed the fun back in the 90's, then there's no need to worry for there are a lot of ROM sites out there to download a copy of the game. However, if you are a video game purist, then tough luck since Earthbound is a VEEEEERY rare game nowadays, being hunted down by collectors till this day.

Overall Rating: 9.1/10
While many modern-day RPG fans will not be able to appreciate the sheer goodness of Earthbound to its entirety, such talent and charisma should never be ignored. Earthbound is not just a video game, after all, but it has become an idea that many fans of the series will never, ever abandon for the rest of their lives.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cute winks mean a good time right? NOPE! - Love Live School Idol Festival Reader's Review

I recently got a new phone, and I gotta say that I am excited to see the world of mobile gaming, and for some strange reason, I ended up downloading a game. And what that game's all about? Boosting careers of a bunch of girls who are desperate to save a school from imminent closure. Well, I can't really say that it's outstanding, but I gotta say that I had fun with it; mostly because of the cute illustrations of the girls, doing cute gestures like smiles, pouts, smirks, and my personal favorite, winks! :)

So without further ado, here's my Reader's Review of Love Live! School Idol Festival.

Title: Love Live! School Idol Festival
Date released: April 16, 2013 (iOS), June 6. 2013 (Android) 
Company: KLab Games, Bushiroad
Genre: Rhythm
Platform: Mobile
ESRB Rating: Unrated (but it will certainly be Teen if given such)

Brief Background; Love Live! School Idol Project is a Japanese multimedia project co-developed by ASCII Media WorksDengeki G's Magazine, music label Lantis, and animation studio Sunrise. The project revolves around a group of fictional school girls who become idols in order to save their school from shutting down. It launched in the August 2010 issue of Dengeki G's Magazine, and went on to produce music CDs, anime music videos, two manga adaptations, and video games. A 13-episode anime television series produced by Sunrise and directed by Takahiko Kyōgoku aired in Japan between January and March 2013, with a second season airing between April and June 2014. Both anime series and film are licensed in North America by NIS America and United Kingdom by MVM Entertainment. An animated film has also been announced to be distributed by Shochiku as well as a new project titled Love Live! Sunshine!!, featuring an all new cast of characters. Source: Wikipedia

What do you do here?
You play as a student (or in my case, a young man accidentally activated a time portal and became trapped in such a timeline) of Otonokizaka Academy who was asked by Honoka, leader of Muse (stylized as μ's) in order to help them save the school from closure due to the dwindling number of enrolling students at said school. But how? By making an idol unit. In order words, you are their errand boy (or girl, if you would). You also experience certain scenes that is quite reminiscent to the anime series presented in a style similar to that of a visual novel (although I've never watched any of them before), which really engages you to know more about the girls. The main highlight, however, in this game are the Live Shows, and this is where the rhythm aspect of the game takes place. You play different songs found in the anime in order to aim for a high score. The better you do in this game, the better the rewards you get. You also unlock Side Stories that, once you maxed out a relationship of a particular girl, will reveal certain bits and pieces of that character's personal life. It always boggles me every time I unlock a story bit, to be honest, which sometimes makes my fantasy go wild and mix up some... other stuff in between. Also, there are global leaderboards, rank matches, bonus promotional cards, and more. 

What makes the game interesting?
The most interesting part of this game is the story mode which, like I mentioned, allows you to relive some of the important scenes in the anime. They are wacky, funny, and just downright cute (and I am saying cute with a smile). Another interesting aspect in this game is the card system. Each idol that you use in Live Shows are represented as cards which contains cute illustrations of the main cast of μ's, as well as some extra girls that serves as filler. You can level them up by using other cards in order for them to gain better stats. I really do not care of leveling up most of them, but I am only there for the cute artworks. :) Also, the story of each character gets updated really frequently, so expect a lot from them from time to time.

What are the flaws that I found in this game?
While the game has an interesting story mode, the pacing of the game is extremely slow. See, in order for you to proceed to the story, you have to make certain objectives such as finishing a song on a certain difficulty and reaching a sufficient rank... which kinda makes the story heavily reliant on grinding and playing the same songs over and over again, which makes the game very repetitive, kinda like Monster Hunter but not nearly as great as the latter. Another frustrating thing about this game is that you can't do Live Shows all the time because of the LP meter that you have; which means that you are only allowed to do certain number of Live Shows at a time (each song has varying LP requirements, depending on the difficulty). To make matters worse, you have to wait for like 6 minutes to replenish a single LP, which means that you have used up all of your LP, you'll have to wait for like an hour and a half to fill it up! It's quite a frustrating experience, but its not really a big deal since that its a free-to-play game. The game is pretty forgiving, however, since that Love Gems, which you can use to replenish LP and recruit μ's members, are pretty frequent. Also, this game requires a stable internet connection which can be a bummer since it has that potential to be an offline game of sorts (just like their console counterparts).

What is your take on μ's? Are they better than the Wake Up Girls!?
I hate to admit it but yes, they are better in every single way. While Miyu and Minami has a lot of potential for being kawaii, they are single-handedly flaunted away by Kotori's cute yet simple looks. Heck, even Hanayo (the shy type of μ's) would easily get my attention more (especially if she unleashes her cuter side). Despite that, I still like Wake Up Girls, but in this case, μ's is the superior idol group.

Can you recommend this game?
Not to all, except to those who are a fan of the anime and of the music genre. Those who played Tap Tap Revenge, O2Jam, heck even Cytus, should play this game. I really can't say anything else.

Overall Rating: 7.8/10
Again, I really can't say that this is a ground-breaking game or anything, but the idea of putting up a game based on a popular Japanese anime really strikes me fancy. If you ever feel that hacking-and-slashing monsters, shooting people, and wreaking havoc really tuckers you out, then take a break from those stuff and hang out with μ's; you'll be sure to have a good time. Just be prepared for a LOT of things in store for you... boosting the careers of those girls can be VEEEERY hectic at times.


Monday, June 8, 2015

Monsters, monsters and MOOOAR monsters - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Reader's Review

So it has been a while after the release of the much awaited latest installment of the Monster Hunter series, and I was so baffled to the fact that many people liked the series soooo much. I mean, you just hunt monsters and beat the living daylights out of them, right? Perhaps! But after seeing the screenshots, as well as some gameplay footage... I was still not convinced.

However, after getting the game, I then realized something; is repetition really makes games sooo boring? Well, there are some games that becomes so repetitive that it becomes much of a chore to play them, but this game... I must say that it is pretty impressive, and the repetition is not as frustrating as it can be, but instead it forces you to get back to that certain mission, hunt the monster down, and collect the pieces you need... but let's go to a more in-depth perspective on this thing.

Thus, here's my first Reader's Review

Title: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (also known as Monster Hunter 4G in Japan)
Date Released: Japan - October 11, 2014, North America - February 13, 2015, Europe - February 13, 2015, Australia - February 14, 2015
Company: CAPCOM
Genre: Action RPG, Open world exploration
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
ESRB Rating: Teen

Brief Background: The original Monster Hunter has been released in 2004 for the PS2 and since then, it has become one of Capcom's biggest-selling franchise, selling 32 million units worldwide as of February 17, 2015. The series spanned numerous sequels, as well as some exclusive titles, mobile games, and even an online game. There are also an amount of upcoming releases that is already in development (like X and Stories).

What do you do here?
Basically, the main thing that you do in this game is to search for monsters, kill (or capture) them, and carve off some of their body parts. But what exactly do you do after carving off the monsters' parts, you might ask? Well, you make several pieces of equipment and a ton load of weapons out of it, which can allow you to gain access to the more difficult missions, and in that, stronger monsters. However, you just don't hunt once and call it a day, you've got to hunt the same monster over and over again, in order for you to get the rare parts you need or until that you have sufficient number of knickknacks to tinker upon.

What makes the game interesting?
Well, to be honest, repetition is something that makes a game less interesting. This game, however, is very repetitive, but is also offers some new things; which is probably why people like the Monster Hunter series so much. The game rewards you for engaging the same missions (and monsters) over and over again through the parts (and other stuff) you get, the weapons and armors you make, and most importantly, the skills you learn against the monsters you hunt. Also, the replayability of this game is top-notch; giving you new and exciting challenges every single time. Multiplayer of this game is also fun... for as long as you have a stable internet connection, but besides that, its really fun to hunt with friends and strangers, hunting some of the difficult monsters like Brachydios and some subspecies of certain monsters. There are also a ton-load of downloadable content in this game, making your Monster Hunter experience very enjoyable even after you beat the game's story mode.

What are the flaws that I found unpleasant?
Well, the only thing that I can consider to be a flaw in this game is on how to introduce the mechanics of the game to new players. Well, there is a story mode that introduces players to the majority of the game's basic controls and other important mechanics found in the game. While it does explain some very important things, it doesn't really cover them up in detail. Additionally, the story itself is simply bland; no drama, no character development, no anything. In fact, the people of the Caravan that you are taking part of are just unrealistic (although I find the klutzy Guildmarm kinda cute) and the NPC's are just downright plain. They do speak some witty yet bad one-liners, though, so there's that (Isn't it RADalos? No). Nevertheless, these are just minor complaints that doesn't make enough negative impact to the game as a whole.

What are the new things introduced in this game?
Some of the added features in this game that was never seen nor heard in previous Monster Hunter games is the Explorations; these are optional, random-generated dungeons that has a lot of things; resources, some monsters, and even better, treasures. You can find rare pieces of equipment that cannot be seen in-game, so always take the chance to go there every time. Another addition to the game are two new weapon types; the Charge Blade and the Insect Glaive. The Charge Blade is basically an inverted Switch Axe with a different phial mechanic, and the Insect Glaive is a newly-introduced blunt weapon that can allow to summon your insect into battle. Plus, it can allow you to jump and do aerial attacks, which is also an important factor for another new mechanic; mounting monsters. This new mechanic allows hunters to deal massive damage against the enemies they mount, however, the monsters being mounted won't give up without a fight as they will try to shrug the hunters off their backs to end the combo. There's also new places like Val Habar, new monsters like the Zamtrios, and new weapons and armor.

Can you recommend this game?
Absolutely! In fact, Monster Hunter X (Cross) will be released in Japan this year and Monster Hunter Stories next year, so there really is no reason NOT to join the hype. I highly recommend this game for beginners and pros alike.

Overall Rating: 9.2/10
The game has substance, elegance, and even sheer fun. The Monster Hunter series stood the test of time and this proves to show you that replayability is not always a boring thing to think about. And if you still think that Monster Hunter is boring, I dare you to play it. You'll be sure to regret everything you say bad about this game... and I am a living proof to say such.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pokemon Bootcamp Pt.22: Pidgeot

Bubble-bobble-rubble-pebble with a dash of frozen pepper, which Pokemon in the Kanto region should now I go after?!




Subject No.22
Name: Pidgeot
Species: The Bird (LOL xD) Pokemon
Height: 4'11" (7'3" in Mega Form)
Weight: 87.1 lbs. (111.3 lbs. in Mega Form)
Type: Normal, Flying
Possible Abilities: Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks
Mega Ability: No Guard
Smogon Tier: UnderUsed

Reason: Pidgeot is simply elegant. The fact that its design alone is just one reason to use this. The problem is... the design it has does not live up to its strengths. Many other Flying Pokemons were introduced until then, and as the years went by, Pidgeot was left into obscurity. Generation VI came and, lo and behold, Pidgeot is one of those Pokemons that was given a Mega Evolution. Wait... WHAAAAT?! WHY DID YOU GIVE SOMETHING THAT WAS LEFT INTO OBSCURITY A MEGA EVOLUTION?! Because of the move sets it has....? Yes, and that's one reason enough to use this guy again. And for your information, this was one of my strongest Pokemon back when I was still playing the old Pokemon games, so I'm really glad to see that this Pokemon is taking the spotlight again.

Recommended Ability: Keen Eye or Big Pecks
All of Pidgeot's skills are basically worthless in any competitive field. Keen Eye is just pointless since that there are only a few Pokemon that uses accuracy-reducing moves, Tangled Feet forces you to test your luck as to find the perfect time to strike, and Big Pecks which has a similar case to Keen Eye. but in Defense. The best Ability to have for Pidgeot is No Guard; which means you Mega-Evolve it. There's no other way... but if you really have to get one out of these abilities, then pick either Keen Eye or Big Pecks. Tangled Feet is just obnoxious.

Recommended Moves:
1. Hurricane - Pidgeot's super STAB move that deals mediocre damage in its base form, but it works wonders when used during its Mega state, as No Guard will instantly hit your enemy for major damage and a chance to confuse them.

2. Heat Wave - another super move that deals wide damage against all enemies. It may not be a STAB move, but with Mega Pidgeot's increased Special Attack stat and No Guard, this is something to take into consideration.

3. Roost - Pidgeot, regardless of build, needs some sort of sustain to survive the longer and more grueling fights. That being said, this is a perfect way to take back lost health. Just watch out for Fighting moves and Earthquake, it will literally destroy Pidgeot with a few hits.

4. Protect - blocks an attack without fail, but it will if used consecutively.

Other recommended moves:
1. U-Turn - it allows Pidgeot to maintain offensive momentum by retreating from the front lines if needed.

2. Hyper Beam - a legitimately powerful move that only begs to be painfully obvious. The damage is exponentially great with addition to STAB and all, but the recharge time is left to be desired.

3. Brave Bird - this is a well-suited physical counterpart of Hurricane, with perfect accuracy, high damage, and a very NAAAAASTY recoil.

4. Return - good STAB move that bases itself in happiness, which is a very strong move if only if it's Attack stat is not as mediocre.

5. Air Slash - one and only alternative for Heat Wave that flinches enemies. However, with the insurmountable reliability that Heat Wave provides, and with the presence of Hurricane, I see no reason to use this.

Recommended items:
1. Pidgeotite - it is quite obvious on why you play as Pidgeot. This is really the only way to play as Pidgeot, because this will basically grant the Bird Pokemon the firepower it deserves.

2. Choice Specs - increases the Special Attack of your Pokemon, but it forces you to stick to one attack. Just avoid using this and just use the Mega Stone, instead.

3. Wide Lens - quite the good way to deal a fighting chance without a Mega Stone.

4. King's Rock - I am just gonna put this here because... well, I can't think of anything else here.

Recommended Natures: Modest or Timid
Pidgeot focuses on two key elements;Speed and Special Attack (or Attack). Basically, you need your Pidgeot to break as much heads as possible. But how?! Simple; strengthen its key stats while ignoring the unessential ones. That being said, it can only fall down on 2 different nature choices; Modest or Timid (Adamant or Jolly if using a physical attack build). Modest is recommended if you want more breaking power, while Timid is best used if you want to outrun fast threats.

Overall: Pidgeot remains to be somehow balanced, despite the Mega Evolution overhaul. It still has its noticeable weaknesses (only made it worse by No Guard) but it also gains new strengths (a devastating no-miss Hurricane attack is no joke), making the Bird Pokemon a solid pick all throughout.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pokemon Bootcamp Pt.21: Emboar

Beat the living daylights out of your opponents and smash the opposition through, because its time for another edition of Pokemon Bootcamp!

Emboar is a notoriously strong Pokemon that is being neglected lately by a lot of Trainers due to its sluggish movement and mediocre defenses, or probably because there are many Trainers who prefer some OTHER Fire-types that are as strong yet more reliable than Emboar (that's right, I am pointing at you Talonflame!!!). However, this does not mean that Emboar is entirely non-viable in competitive play. In fact, with the recent release of its Hidden Ability Reckless, Emboar, along with other Generation V starters are getting some love again.

That being said, this edition of Pokemon Bootcamp is for me to give honor to the Mega Fire Pig!


Subject No. 21
Name: Emboar
Species: The Mega Fire Pig Pokemon
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 330.7 lbs.
Type: Fire, Fighting
Possible Abilities: Blaze, Reckless
Smogon Tier: RarelyUsed

Reason: Yup! Emboar is sooo hot... or probably because it's still summer around here! Oh well, guess I have to bite the bullet here and get as much info as I can in this blasted heat! Emboar is definitely an undisputed offensive Pokemon by all means! It has decent offensive stats (both Attack and Special Attack) and what makes Emboar a powerful Pokemon is the amount of heavy yet somewhat annoying attacks that it can learn, like Head Smash and Flare Blitz. Emboar's typing is also pretty decent for an offensive Pokemon; Fire and Fighting. These types have a lot of moves to offer, both offensively and defensively, which makes Emboar a viable choice on the competitive field, albeit rarely.

Recommended Ability: Reckless
With the recent release of the event Emboar (yes, the one with Reckless), many Fire Pokemon lovers are very excited to see the new possibilities which they can hopefully exploit as they use the Mega Fire Pig. Reckless is a powerful Ability that increases the power of all moves that deals recoil damage by 20%. Not really a powerful buff, but it gets the job done.

Recommended Moves:
1. Flare Blitz - this is the main reason why you use Emboar, right? Devastating damage? Check! Perfect accuracy? You got it! Burn chance? YEAAAAH! Recoil? Ouch... but oh well! It's a very reliable attack anyways; perfect for someone that deals a lot of pain!

2. Superpower - deals tons of damage as well as a very reliable STAB... not really! The recoil is quite a very insane trade-off for someone soooo strong!

3. Head Smash - a powerful coverage move that also deals a powerful headache to the user.

4. Wild Charge - a great coverage move that also benefits from Reckless. It has reasonable recoil, so you can use it as much as you like.

5. Earthquake - self-explanatory.

Other recommended moves:
1. Will-O-Wisp - cripples other physical attackers; adding insult to injury.

2. Fire Blast - as I've mentioned before, Emboar also has a good Special Attack rating, and this can be a perfect substitute to Flare Blitz if you run a special nuke set. The accuracy can really hurt its glass cannon potential, unfortunately.

3. Hammer Arm - a strong move but not an ideal one, since it ruins your offensive momentum by reducing your Pokemon's Speed.

4. Heat Crash - a surprisingly reliable move. Why? Three reasons. One, Emboar is naturally heavy. Two, it promotes STAB. Three, it's an exclusive move that only Emboar and its evolutionary line can learn. The bad side of this thing is... is that there's a whole lot HEAVIER Pokemon than Emboar, leaving Heat Crash limited against a selected few threats.

5. Focus Punch + Substitute - it has a undisputed respectable reputation to be a nice combo of sorts which deals a ton of damage if combo was utilized properly. Just watch out for Talonflame and its Brave Bird as well as other moves that bypass Substitute.

6. Fire Punch - an alternative STAB for Emboar, albeit weaker.

Recommended items:
1. Choice Scarf - Speed is always an essential stat to have since that most Pokemon battles lasts for a couple of turns, and this item can really help. However, like most Choice items, this will force you to switch out very often. Only use Choice Scarf Emboar to pick off the crumbs.

2. Fist Plate - not really essential, but it grants additional boosts to all of his Fighting moves.

3. Flame Plate - in a similar vein to Fist Plate, but only for Fire moves.

4. Leftovers - a good item for bulky builds. It quite stings, to be honest, especially if you use moves like Will-O-Wisp and Toxic.

5. Choice Band - if you think that hitting harder is more of your thing, then use this. Just like Scarf, however, Band also forces you to stop dead on your tracks, as it forces you to use one move only, unless you switch out, of course!

6. Lum Berry - One of those easy-to-use items that's pretty basic, but very reliable.

Recommended Natures: Jolly, Adamant, or Naughty
As a standard glass cannon, you might want your Emboar to be as aggressive as possible. Speed and Attack (or Special Attack depending on your preference) are very important for such an offensive Pokemon. In addition to an already offensive-oriented skill set, Emboar's excels in any kind of battle styles; whether as a physical breaker or a special nuke. That being said, natures such as Jolly and Adamant works quite well for Emboar. On the other hand, if you think that a mixed set is your cup of tea, get Naughty, since Emboar is an epitome of a kamikaze Pokemon in the first place (for me, at least).

Overall: Emboar is never meant to be played as an offset attacker, but as an all-out attacker. Nevertheless, in the end, it really is up to you whether you would follow this particular trait or not. It's just that it feels that Emboar has more of that I'll-wreck-your-face-and-there's-nothing-you-can-do-about-it character that really shows off its potential as an offensive Pokemon.... or maybe it's just the heat talking.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Super Smash Bros Dream Fighter Roster!!! Pt. 2

OK! Seriously, I just can't help but to spit out some more ideas about my dream fighter roster. I mean, come on! So... after listening some Super Robot Taisen at the office (LOL xD), there were some certain characters that sprung up in mind.

That being said, here are the other character's that I have in mind for my Dream Roster! :)

NOTE: All of the proposed moves and Final Smashes are based on what game they originally existed.

1. Einst Alfimi from Super Robot Taisen (Alfimi wreaks havoc!)

Reason: Well, as one of the more enigmatic characters in the series, Alfimi has that certain charm that really makes me interested in the character. Although, I really can't tell what can be her attacks are, since most of the animations in the original game are somewhat deemed violent for Nintendo standards... (now if only she becomes included).

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Yomiji (Default Special) - summons one of her familiars; firing an energy beam in a straight line. Holding the B button longer will make the beam smaller and deals weaker damage.

2. Shishio Blade (Side Special) - Alfimi brandishes her blade against an enemy. Press the B button rapidly for a follow-up attack.

3. Mabuitachi (Air Special) - Alfimi slashes downward, emitting a powerful shockwave while pushing her upward as well. Pressing the B button again will allow her to perform another slash, but it will not push her upward.

4. Spirit Drain (Down Special) - Alfimi summons spheres and attacks the enemy with the most damage, stunning it. If multiple foes are present in the field, they are just simply damaged.

Final Smash: Raigoue - Alfimi brandishes her sword. Anyone caught by her attack will suffer from her ultimate attack. She summons her mysterious mech, Personlichkeit, and unleashes an array of beams from all directions.

2. Zero from Megaman Zero (Zero rises!)

Reason: Since that Mega Man appeared in the Smash series, I don't see a reason why Zero don't deserve the spotlight! :3

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Zero Knuckle (Default Special) - grabs enemies, damages them, and absorbs their abilities to convert the knuckle into another weapon; upgrading it. Press the throw button to discard your assimilated weapon; converting it into a bomb. When your Zero Knuckle has an ability, your other abilities will have improved effects.

2. Skewer Dash (Side Special) - Zero dashes forward with Z-Saber in hand, damaging anyone he approaches with. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, it transforms into Volt Rush, paralyzing foes while being damaged.

3. Aerial Fang (Air Special) - Zero jumps and performs an upward slash. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, it transforms into Flame Fang, dealing more damage and it pushes Zero higher than usual.

4. Edge Divide (Down Special) - Zero performs a downward slash. Zero's sword fires energy balls as it reaches the ground. It can only be used in mid-air. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, it transforms into Earth Divide, dealing greater damage and spouts energy-based boulders instead.

Final Smash: Giga Attack - Zero charges his Zero Knuckle, slams it into the ground, and large amount of energy beams will descend from above, dealing damage to all enemies in sight. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, his Final Smash will deal triple the damage than usual, however, it automatically discards the weapon it assimilated.

Side Note: Well, I could also propose that Zero can also use a variety of weapons other than the Zero Knuckle. However, this will not improve the effects of his other attacks. Weapons such as the Recoil Rod and Shield Boomerang; adding versatility to his attacks. Take note, these are only custom moves, so Zero Knuckle is still his default special.

3. Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II (Roxas emerges!)

Reason: The reason I put him here is because of the mysterious nature that he has in the game (and I believe that Sora is just TOO mainstream). He started as a Nobody, and he'll remain a Nobody (I'm sure many KH fans will bash me for this, but come on, cut me some slack here, I still need to play more) :(. However, the good thing about Roxas is that he has a lot of fighting potential, being a Keyblade wielder and all. :D

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Fire (Default Special) - shoots a burning bullet from the tip of his Keyblade, dealing damage.

2. Thunder Raid (Side Special) - throws his Keyblade towards enemies, brimming with electric energy, and strikes them. The damage decays when it hits enemies more than once.

3. Glide (Air Special) - Roxas glides in the air.

4. Blizzard Shield (Down Special) - Roxas gains additional super armor and attack damage for 15 seconds. However, this will slow him down.

Final Smash: Oathkeeper and Oblivion - Roxas summons his two Keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion, allowing him to deal more damage and adds additional launching power to all of his attacks for the next 20 seconds. Pressing the B button again before his Final Smash ends will allow him to unleash Magic Hour, firing beams from all directions. Executing Magic Hour ends the Final Smash immediately.

4. Ryu from Breath of Fire (Ryu roars from the depths!)

Reason: Breath of Fire is one of the only few RPG franchises that Capcom has ever produced... and I must say that BoF has some unique charms to it. The theme on where dragons are the "sentient" beings found, the various unique settings and characters, as well as the story line; all of which has a certain incarnation of a young man with dragon-born powers. Ryu simply deserves to enter in the world of Smash Bros, and these reasons strengthen its case. I mean, come on! Who doesn't want to play as a fire-breathing dragon?!

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Dragon Strike (Default Special) - Ryu harnesses the power of a dragon within him, granting him some certain boosts and it can allow Ryu to improve some of his attacks using a certain stance. Ryu can choose 3 different stances.

2. Piercing Edge (Side Special) - Ryu dashes forward and stabs an enemy with his sword. If he has the Fire Dragon Strike stance, his sword will transform into a dragon head; unleashing a stream of fire in its wake.

3. Mortal Drive (Air Special) - Ryu jumps high and at the top, he performs a downward slash. If he has the Ice Dragon Strike stance, Ryu unleashes ice shards as he lands.

4. Counter Sword (Down Special) - Ryu fixes his stance and when he gets attacked, he will counter it with a sword attack. This has increased damage against non-sword users. If he has the Bolt Dragon Stance, Ryu's counter stance duration is longer and the damage becomes greater.

Final Smash: Great Dragon - Ryu stabs his sword on the ground and transforms into the Great Dragon. In this form, Ryu summons gigantic meteors from random directions, instantly KOing them on the first hit, then damaging them severely on consecutive hits.

5. Axel from Kingdom Hearts (Axel sears forward!)

Reason: Another Axel to be included in my dream roster, but unlike the other Axel, this guy actually has a heart of gold, and shows some degree of concern for his allies and doesn't regard them as merely disposable tools for war. Additionally, behind that fiery face, Axel has a cool personality; being able to fix his composure despite being defeated multiple times. He's just that cool! Additionally, his powers can be a great benefit for the entire Smash Bros community; adding diversity to an already diverse game! :D

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Heat Chakram (Default Special) - throws a chakram at an enemy, pulling it and dealing damage. Press the B button again to throw another chakram. Can be used in conjunction with Glide.

2. Firaga Blade (Side Special) - Axel rushes in and slashes the enemy three times using his chakrams. The third slash will unleash a fiery explosion, damaging nearby enemies as well.

3. Empowered Glide (Air Special) - Axel glides in the air. Hold the B button to prolong floating in the air.

4. Firewall (Down Special) - Axel unleashes a fiery wall, damaging and trapping anyone who approaches it. Using Firewall in the air will also cause Axel to be pushed upward.

Final Smash: Fiery Rhapsody - Axel summons a fiery field in the area and transforms everyone's damage counter (excluding Axel's) into an HP meter of 100. Axel has 20 seconds to defeat all of them, and when he does, Axel wins the game. If he does not, however, Axel will just unleash a stream of fire throughout the field, dealing damage to enemies, and the battle proceeds as normal; ending the Final Smash. Take note that he can be KO'ed when using this Final Smash; ending it immediately.

And I think that wraps up Part Two of my Dream Roster! I think... O.o

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Super Smash Bros Dream Fighter Roster!!!

Satoru Iwata, CEO of Nintendo, has recently announced on their latest Nintendo Direct last April 1, that players all around the world have been given the privilege to vote for the next Super Smash Bros. fighter! You heard it right! We are given the chance to make our dream fighter come true! Isn't it great?! :D

But I am pretty sure that not all of them will be taken to consideration. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean that we won't try to make it happen! Anyways, as a recent Super Smash Bros fan, there are really so much characters that I can think of, can be potential candidates for a Smash Bros game! No joke about it! In fact, I made a list on some of my favorite video game characters that has the strength and capabilities (for me, at least) to make them viable in said game. :)

So here's my Super Smash Bros. Dream Fighter Roster!!!

To begin with, I will mention first the name of the character in mind as well as the series it came from, then the reason why I want that character to include in the game, and the proposed Special moves and Final Smash for that character, so without further ado, let's do this!

1. Axel Almer from Super Robot Taisen (Axel enters the fray!)

Reason: To be honest, Axel is a very cocky character, but at the same time, he looks very heroic. As one of the popular anti-heroes in the Super Robot Taisen franchise, Axel deserves to take a part of the fighting game spotlight. Why? Because of Endless Frontier EXCEED! This is the first game in the series to see Axel's fighting moves. I know that I haven't played the game before, but hey, one can dream, right? :) He also has a very awesome battle theme and a very strong mech to boot, so there's that.

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Dragon Scale (Default Special) - Axel unleashes a powerful orb of energy from his palms. Hold down the B button to make the blast radius stronger.

2. Tiger Bite (Side Special) - Axel rushes in and attacks the first enemy it approaches with a three-punch combo. Deals greater damage in the third hit.

3. Phoenix Flyer (Up Special) - Axel lunges upward twice using his tonfas. The first lunge reaches higher than the second, but the second lunge's damage is stronger.

4. Focus Stance (Down Special) - Axel prepares his stance, and when an attack hits Axel, he'll unleash a Tiger Bite against the one who attacked Axel.

Final Smash: Code KIRIN - Axel lunges in to an opponent (or a group of opponents) and traps them. He then summons his mech, Soulgain, and goes inside of it. Soulgain pummels his foes through Axel's movement inputs; finishing them off with a powerful blade attack. After the Final Smash, for 18 seconds, Axel fights on as Soulgain; drastically increasing his movement and attack speed.

2. Kyosuke Nanbu from Super Robot Taisen (Kyosuke shoots forward!)

Reason: Axel deserves to have a rival of sorts, and none could ever fit the role better than Kyosuke Nanbu (well, I could say Lamia, but I think she's more capable to be a Support Trophy). In contrast to Axel's high-speed Soulgain, Kyosuke focuses more on reinforcing power and defense to pummel down foes with his mighty, red mech, the Alteisen. Also, like Axel, Kyosuke can be rather confident and he also has a good battle theme. Man, talk about fancy! However, if he's going to get included here, they should tone down the gambling reference. He does like to ante up, after all! :(

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Autocannon (Default Special) - Kyosuke uses a machine gun to shoot foes. Holding the B button will prolong the shot but also increases his time to "reload".

2. Revolver Stake (Side Special) - Kyosuke dashes forward and attacks the first enemy it approaches with his stake, causing an explosion. Surrounding enemies are also dealt damage from the blast radius.

3. Bunker Jump (Up Special) - Kyosuke uses his stake arm to push himself upwards. He cannot be flinched at mid-jump.

4. Guard Stance (Down Special) - Kyosuke gains super armor state for a 30 seconds, but reduces the launching power of all of his attacks.

Final Smash: Trump Card - Kyosuke fires a warning shot against a group of enemies. If they are caught, Kyosuke will initiate his final attack. He calls his red mech, Alteisen, and goes inside of it. He then proceeds to shoot his opponents with the Autocannon and Heavy Claymore. He then finishes it off by firing Revolver Stake five times against his opponents. After the Final Smash, for 18 seconds, Kyosuke fights on as Alteisen; increasing the launching power of all of his attacks and gains super armor.

3. T-Rex from Fossil Fighters (T-Rex unleashes the fire!)

Reason: Fossil Fighters is one of the greatest Pokemon clones that I have every played. In fact, I even tried playing the latest installment of the Fossil Fighters series (Fossil Fighters Frontier), which I liked it so much! The T-Rex, being the mascot of the entire series, deserves some fighting game love, and for me, this is the perfect opportunity to show its power!

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Infernal Fire (Default Special) - fires a searing beam towards enemies, Holding the B button longer will decrease its damage gradually.

2. Deadly Fangs (Side Special) - T-Rex lunges in and bites the first enemy it approaches, slaughtering its victim and throws the victim away after enough damage is made.

3. Cranial Upper (Up Special) - T-Rex performs a ferocious headbutt, launching enemies upward.

4. Fearsome Roar (Down Special) - T-Rex fixes its stance, and when an enemy hits it, T-Rex will create a powerful roar; stunning nearby foes.

Final Smash: Royal Crush - T-Rex, for 20 seconds, increases its sizes and gains additional effects from all of his attacks. Infernal Fire will no longer have reduced damage, Deadly Fangs damages everyone caught in its attack, Cranial Upper has increased launching power, and Fearsome Roar has longer range and stun duration.

4. Gallade from Pokemon (Gallade slices through!)

Reason: I know, I know, we already have a Lucario, but the problem is, said Pokemon is just toooo overrated. How about we give some chance to other Fighting-Types? I mean, come on, Gallade has the powerful typing of Psychic and Fighting. Heh, talk about the best of both worlds!

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:

1, Force Palm (Default Special) - Gallade focuses his energy into his palm and hits the foe; stunning it. Hold down the B button to increase its power and stun duration.

2. Psycho Cut (Side Special) - Gallade fires energy blades from his sword arms, piercing through enemies.

3. Night Slash (Up Special) - Gallade teleports and then slashes downward.

4. Shadow Sneak (Down Special) - Gallade focuses his senses to evade the attack and slashes the enemy from behind. Instantly KOs an opponent if damage is already above 200%.

Final Smash: Mega Gallade - Gallade uses its Mega Evolution form to gain additional movement speed, immunity against projectile attacks, and super armor for 20 seconds.

5. Felix from Golden Sun (Felix crushes the battlefield!)

Reason: I know that Isaac has already represented the Golden Sun series back in Melee, but only as an Assist Trophy. What I want is a fighter that represents the Golden Sun series, and Felix has this particular flair and power to sweep the floor with other fighters! :)

Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Clay Spire (Default Special) - Felix summons three shards of rocks to fire against enemies.

2. Ragnarok (Side Special) - slashes enemies with a powerful sword attack.

3. Skull Splitter (Up Special) - Felix jumps high and unleashes a powerful downward slash. Deals more damage if enemy is in mid-air.

4. Nettle - Felix stabs his sword on the ground, unleashing multiple spires of thorns around him.

Final Smash: Megiddo - Felix unleashes the Sol Blade in his possession and slashes enemies multiple times. He then summons a gigantic meteor and he crashes it down to his opponents for heavy damage.

Well that's all for my dream roster of characters. So, which character do you think that Nintendo will include as future DLC for Super Smash Bros? Please feel free to write in your comments on who deserves the Smash Bros. Spotlight!

Until then, KEEP ON SMASHING! :)

Pokemon Bootcamp Pt. 20: Absol

Step it up and don your sneaky tactics, because its time for another edition of Pokemon Bootcamp! :)

Elegance is an integral part of this Pokemon, and in addition to detect natural disasters, it can be a very powerful contender to begin with. Additionally, the Mega Evolution of this Pokemon can really wreck the Stealth Rock metagame, allowing you to get back against those pesky trappers! :)


Subject No. 20
Name: Absol
Species: The Disaster Pokemon
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 103.6 lbs. (108 lbs. in Mega form)
Type: Dark
Possible Abilities: Pressure, Super Luck, Justified
Mega Ability: Magic Bounce
Smogon Tier: UnderUsed

Insights: Absol possesses two different roles; an assassin and a trap artist. It's assassin-like capabilities comes from learning Sucker Punch and the critical hits it gain from Super Luck, while the trapping aspect comes in when it Mega Evolves; granting the ability to repel those Thunder Waves and Stealth Rocks lickety-split! However, Absol's natural frailness can also be the major source of its downfall, as well as other priority moves that can outright destroy it if already weakened beforehand.

Recommended Ability: Super Luck
Absol has an outstanding Attack power of 130, allowing the Disaster Pokemon to become a powerful glass-cannon of sorts. Fortunately, Super Luck can make Absol's not-so-meager attacks into oh-so-deadly blows; landing critical hits more than usual! Also, with the ability to learn Sucker Punch naturally, this Pokemon is one of the most dangerous Sucker Punchers out there. Slap in a Scope Lens, as well as some critical-hit modifiers (Focus Energy, to be specific), and let the sparks fly!

Recommended moves:
1. Sucker Punch - you're pretty much quite careless if you don't even consider this to be a part of your strategy. This is by-far the most reliable move that Absol can ever use. Additional priority plus STAB damage is equal to a recipe for disaster.

2. Night Slash - another STAB move and can benefit from Super Luck! This move has an increased critical hit-rate, and with Super Luck and Scope Lens, there would be like 70% chance to land a critical hit at certain situations.

3. Psycho Cut - not really that powerful due to its Psychic typing, but can greatly benefit from Super Luck's boost. The strength of this attack does not lie on its pseudo-Night Slash attack power, but the fact that it can serve as a coverage move against its weakness, Fighting.

4. Megahorn - high base power. That sums it up.

5. Swords Dance - not really mandatory to use it, but it can increase your chance on taking down high-priority threats.

6. Play Rough - not really powerful, but it reduces your foe's Attack. Simple as that.

Other recommended moves:
1. Special sets - I really do not recommend this particular set 100% due to its 75 Special Attack stat, but if you think that Ferrothorns and Skarmories annoy you to death, then this can be an effective substitute on the usual physical glass-cannon set. Moves like Flamethrower and Dark Pulse are specially viable for Absol, surprisingly.

2. Magic Coat - a perfect substitute for a Mega Absol set. The primary purpose of this move is to bounce back entry hazards and status ailments back to your foes. Also, with added priority. Magic Coat will have this very low chance to get taunted. Just watch out for Prankster, though... (or should I?) O.o

3. Counter - pump your defenses if you want to use this. However, even if you EV-trained your defenses, Absol still won't last as much as you expect. It's a good move, regardless.

4. Shadow Claw - an alternative for Psycho Cut. Nothing else to say, really.

5. Punishment - snowballs against status-boosting boneheads, but it sacrifices a move slot that is otherwise placed by a more powerful offensive move.

6. Superpower - a devastating attack. The recoil is a major setback, however.

Recommended items:
1. Choice Scarf - this will alleviate Absol's Speed problem, but it will also force you to switch out every now and then. Also, Sucker Punch makes this item pretty pointless.

2. Life Orb - adds more spice to your attacks, but also drains your HP steadily which contributes to its easier downfall.

3. Absolite - if you think that you are too awesome enough to use mentioned items, then you might as well grab this baby up! Mega-Evolve. Deflect those nasty ailments and rocks. Boost stats. Stomp everyone. PROFIT!

4. Choice Band - this is extremely useful when using Sucker Punch. That's it.

Recommended natures: Adamant or Jolly
Absol picks off foes using hard-pounding attacks to sweep off the opposition, but without the Speed to outrun more dangerous foes like Arcanine or Mienshao, the Disaster Pokemon may have a hard time for dealing trade-offs! That being said, if you want to prioritize movement over power, then Jolly might be a good nature for your Absol. Otherwise, if you think that pummeling enemies like no tomorrow is your thing, then choose Adamant. A Naive nature is only recommended if a mixed set suits you better or if you want to explore more viable possibilities with your Absol.

Overall: Absol is an average Pokemon in terms of its competitive capabilities, and it is outclassed by more powerful and sturdier contenders like Bisharp and basic Metagross. However, the magic that lies within Absol is its ability to shrug off status ailments and entry hazard, thanks to Mega Absol (Magic Coat if you think that Mega Absol won't be able to help you out in certain situations), so there really isn't much to argue about it, right? ;)


Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Top 7 Super Smash Bros. characters

It has been really a while since I posted again in this blog, probably due to a lot of things lately that keeps me company. However, I am also really excited to play Fossil Fighters: Frontier, now that it has been released!

But anyway, I am not here right now to talk about Pokemon or Fossil Fighters. I am here to talk about everyone's casual fighting game: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU. That's right! I have been playing a lot of Super Smash Bros. lately and I must say that it really is a very decent fighting game, which has the same competitive vibe as other popular fighting games like Street Fighter IV and Tekken, but without the complex button scheme of both games.

Whether you win or lose in this game, there's only thing I can say about this game; it's fun, and the excitement never stops there, for the challenge continues to ramp up as you fight your way from the different fighters in this game! :D

Speaking of fighters, as a recent Smash Bros. player, I have observed some certain characters that really catches my eye. So,without further ado, here are some of my favorite Super Smash Bros. characters.

There are 3 particular criteria that I used when considering the list:
1. Fighting style (custom moves are not included)
2. Level of reliability
3. Other reasons

Now then, let us begin the list of my Top 7 Super Smash Bros. characters! Please keep in mind that all of these are just a part of my own opinions, observations, and preferences when it comes to playing Smash Bros.

TOP 7: Ness

Ness is one of my favorite characters in this game, and the reason why is because, like Zeorymer from Super Robot Taisen J, Ness is quite notorious for being one of the most underrated, while still being ridiculously powerful characters in the game. His baseball bat (forward smash) attack is a very promising feat, especially when your opponent is trapped in a pillar of fire. Speaking of fire, Ness fights using a powerful energy known as PK (Psychokinesis in short), which can allow Ness to generate certain elemental attacks at his disposal, most notably PK Fire. Ness' reliability comes in spamming PK Fire at the enemy and dish out a powerful smash attack which can almost send any foe flying, especially when it is fully charged. Additionally, Ness can also bring back projectiles with it. The only reason that Ness is in the bottom of my list is because of his recovery move, PK Thunder, which can greatly determine the great Ness players from the bad ones (and I am one of the latter).

TOP 6: Princess Peach

Everything about Princess Peach screams kawaii! From the pink apparel that she wears (from the lovely pink dress to the elegant pink shoes) to the cutesy gestures that she does (her down taunt is just sooo lovely :D), Princess Peach can catch you off-guard in the most crucial of situations. She has a very weird yet technical set of skills, all of which can be very underwhelming at some point, but can all pack a punch; especially her side special, Peach Bomber, that deals decent damage using her hips. Her forward smash is a very unique one, cycling from a tennis racket, to a golf club, and to a frying pan. Honestly, I find her tennis racket to be her strongest weapon among the three, but it's just me. Lastly, the reason that she's one of my favorites is because of her aforementioned down taunt. She greets you with a lovely wink after she spins gracefully. Hehehe... what a cute little princess! Uh-huh~! ;)

TOP 5: Charizard

OK. Honestly, I am a reaaaaaallly bad Charizard player. Want to know why, you might ask? Well, simply put. Flare Blitz. Flare Blitz damages you and your enemies upon executing the move, which quite really reflects Charizard's fighting style; sheer power and reckless brutality. That's right, Charizard is one brutal dragon, and that's what makes it stand out against other bruisers, specifically the ability to fly and to charge right in your opponent's face. You better watch out, though, because once your opponent dodges your Flare Blitz, say goodbye to your victory and hello to your doom!

TOP 4: Shulk

As one of the latest fighters in SSB4, Shulk proves himself to be a very strong character, primarily due to his buff move, Monado Arts, which allows the crimson-clad warrior to adapt himself in any given situation. Suffering from damage? Shield has your back. Trying to get back up to the competition? Jump will scratch that itch. Ready for the kill? Smash will surely spice things up on your end. He also has his own counter move, allowing some decent punishment for those who approach this Monado boy. The only downside, for me, when it comes in using Shulk is that he is tend to get focused a lot due to the potential it has to destroy teams, especially during Team Battles. Another reason why he's on this list is because of his death scream... I JUST CAN'T HELP BUT TO LAUGH AT IT! XD

TOP 3: Zero Suit Samus

Like Ness, Zero Suit Samus is a very underrated yet surprisingly strong character. I have faced a lot of Zero Suit Samus players, and I really can't define on what her potential is. She's basically Samus without the Power Suit and heavy armaments, but the thing that the original Samus lacks is mobility, which made possible with her newly-acquired jet boots (which kinda reminds me of a pair of high heels, to be honest O.o) that allows her to deliver swift attacks to her opponents, while evading their savage blows. Speaking of evading, Zero Suit Samus is very susceptible of being thrown away from the battlefield, which quite sucks, but that doesn't make me put her off the list! :)

TOP 2: Toon Link

There's something about Toon Link that makes me put him on the list. He's adorable, courageous, and because... he's just simply... simple. Unlike his default counterpart, Toon Link focuses on swift blows, emulating the original Link's fighting style while adding some twists on his own. His Boomerang attack doesn't blow enemies away like the Gale Boomerang, but it hurts more, his downward thrust goes straight and it cannot be controlled, and his Hero's Bow travels farther and charges faster than Link's Hero's Bow, but doesn't travel as fast. In short, Toon Link have some ups and downs that makes him a very unique fighter rather than a carbon copy. His voice is quite goofy and likable, which makes me laugh every time his says "Gah!" and screaming and shouting during his down taunt. XD

TOP 1: Bowser and King Dedede

And the moment you've all been waiting for! My favorite Smash Bros. characters! :) So what does these characters have in common?! First, they are both villains from their respective games (Super Mario and Kirby, respectively). And second, both of them have brutal and heavy attacks that can outright KO any unsuspecting fighter without hesitation. However, both of them has some subtle differences. Bowser does not jump as high and his recovery move is not very good when recovering from a great distance, but King Dedede can jump seven times. You heard it right. SEVEN. FREAKING. TIMES!!! Allowing King Dedede to recover as much more often than Bowser. Both of them have reliable poking attacks under the form of Bowser's Fire Breath, and King Dedede's Gordo Throw, which can annoy many opponents to their doom. And lastly, King Dedede and Bowser possess some of the best forward smashes to date, Bowser's drop kick and Dedede's hammer flail. One shot and BOOM! Total annihilation, and this is what makes both Dedede and Bowser to be on the top of my list!

So, do you agree to the list I made? Or do you have something else in mind? Let me know and share your insights on who are your favorite Smash Bros. characters!  Until then, keep on SMASHIN'! :D