One day, as I embark on a new adventure as a Hunter, I crept closer to my inventory stash and found a variety of stuff that I can use in my travels; such as Potions, Paintballs, some Raw Meat, and the most important of them all, a bunch of very, very, VERY neat weapons! The question is; which one to bring?! I mean I can't bring all of these cool weapons with me, right? RIGHT?! Yes, and that's sad.
Why is it sad, you ask? Well because of a simple fact... ALL weapon types are useful in every way. There is no single one that either stands out or performs poorly. Each of them has their own significant charm to them, which makes people use these kinds of weapons.
However, while all weapons are fun to use, there are some weapons that I liked and some others that I never really had some interests on. That being said, this is my...
Top 7 favorite Monster Hunter weapon types!
Before I proceed in making this list, there are some factors that I need to consider:
1. It's advantages and disadvantages (which ones I consider to be such)
2. It's overall game-play style, and...
3, It's difficulty level (Is it recommended for beginners or not?)
Disclaimer: Keep in mind that these factors are not definitive and it does not intend to put others' opinions aside. If you have any more concerns, then feel free to reply in a very constructive manner. :)
And another note, since that I've only played Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, I may also include either the Charge Blade or the Insect Glaive on this list, so without any more delays...
Top 7: Gunlance

+ A more powerful version of the Lance
+ Can perform explosive attacks
+ Wyvern's Fire is deadlier than the Bowgun versions
+ Can move while blocking
* Promotes slow movement
* Defensive stance can make you out-of-place against faster monsters
* Wyvern's Fire requires a cooldown between uses
* Explosive rounds varies from each Gunlance type
* Has shorter range than bowguns
Notes: There are weapons to get when you are in the need of something durable yet packs an explosive punch. Much like the lances, gunlances are never meant to be used as a fully offensive weapon in the first place. Precise timing and striking is imperative to fully master the gunlances. Additionally, with it's certain and distinct advanced maneuvers such as Wyvern's Fire and Quick Draws, it may take new users some time to master this weapon. If you do, however, then prepare the fireworks display!
Top 6: Insect Glaive

+ The only weapon type that you can jump with; adding exceptional mobility
+ Possesses a powerful Kinsect
+ Can allow you to collect essences to power up your Hunter
+ Has exceptional attack speed and reach
* The weapon is evasion-reliant
* It has a very complex upgrade mechanic
* A VERY expensive weapon type to invest upon
* Has a very small weapon selection
* Monster essences differ from each monster, which makes essence-stacking difficult
Notes: One of the new weapon types introduced in the latest installment of the Monster Hunter franchise. The Insect Glaive has a lot of things to offer; such as a built-in jumping move, Kinsects that you can summon in battle, and the ability to collect extra "essences" from monsters to give you certain buffs in battle. While it is a very great weapon to use, mastering the weapon is a matter of getting used to it, with a combination of research since monster essences may give you different effects compared to others. Additionally, like I've already mentioned, the glaive is a very expensive weapon to invest upon, and a confusing one to work upon upgrading it. The first thing that you need to do to power up your glaive is to power-up your Kinsect, which requires Nectars that gives different bonuses, which can also greatly affect your Kinsect as it evolves. If the Kinsect is fully upgraded, THEN that will be the only time that you'll be able to upgrade the glaive itself, offering new and different forms of battle tactics at your disposal. With enough messing around and a little bit of advanced research, mastering the Insect Glaive is a VERY rewarding experience.
Top 5: Bows

+ Very long range
+ Has a variety of coatings at your disposal
+ Advanced techniques are very easy to pick-up and master
* Melee techniques are terrible
* Playing with bows requires you to play smart
* You are an utmost target against certain monsters
* This weapon only shines in multiplayer hunts
Notes: As one of the older weapon types introduced in the Monster Hunter series, bows are not really that used much (in my opinion, at least) and many other players prefer the more damaging bowguns. However, there are some advanced maneuvers that you can do with bows. First of all are the charged shots which varies from each bow. There you can either do Focus Shots that deal heavier damage than a normal shot, or Wide Shots that may not deal that much of a damage but covers a large area. You can also fire from a distance and deal AOE damage. Another highlight for these weapons are the coatings; which provides certain effects that makes it as deadly as bowguns. However, using a bow also requires mastery towards dodging and precise timing, since getting caught off guard by a Rathalos can surely tear your party to shreds. Also, the melee attack of this thing is terrible, so don't even bother fighting a Zinogre using pitiful melee blows.
To be honest, mastering the bow is not a chore, but the hassle of hunting solo using these weapons and the proper coatings to use can be extremely detrimental to the fun (which is also the reason why I rarely use and make these since I go solo most of the time). Just use it on Multiplayer hunts and you're golden!
TOP 4: Sword and Shield

+ A very basic weapon, suitable for any skill level
+ Acts as a cutting and blunt weapon at the same time
+ Capable of using items, even when holding the weapon
+ Almost every weapon of this type has an elemental affinity
* Overall attack power ranges from mediocre to horrible
* Easily outclassed by every other weapon
Notes: One of the easiest weapon to use in the game (just behind the Great Sword), and I had to admit, I actually had fun using these awesome toys during multiplayer hunts. First, these weapons are very straightforward; you hack, you slash, and you block! Rinse and repeat until you finish the hunt. This weapon also has outstanding amount of utility; allowing you to use items while pressing the block button, adding to the cool factor! Another thing has it going for is that the majority of the weapons in this category possess an elemental affinity; giving you additional firepower against monsters with elemental weaknesses (*cough* Tigrex *cough*). The bad thing is, being a beginner's weapon, it's easily outclassed and underwhelmed by the majority of the other weapon types, making the Sword and Shield a jack-of-all-trades kind of weapon. Nevertheless, it never disappoints.
Top 3: Dual Blades and Charge Blade

+ Fastest attack speed among all weapon types
+ It has access to an empowered mode, naturally increasing it's attack power
+ Further empowerment will grant access to other devastating attacks
* Overall weakest weapon if its multi-hit potential was excluded
* Majority of these weapons have low natural Sharpness
* Sharpness quickly deteriorates when empowered
* Evasion-reliant; making these weapons super punishable if you're not careful
* Pitiful attack range

+ Good reach with a variety of combos
+ An enhanced version of the Sword and Shield weapon types
+ Has access to extremely dangerous Phial attacks
+ Ultra Burst Attacks really packs a punch
* Phial attacks can be very difficult to master
* Unlike Sword and Shield weapons, you can't use items while blocking
* Sword Mode requires you to "charge" at some point to prevent your attacks from bouncing back
* Very limited weapon selection
Notes: You don't expect this one, do you? I like me some Dual Blades and Charge Blade goodness! While it's technically good to use these particular weapons, they come in extreme costs. Dual Blades will force you to rely on quick dodges; making you very vulnerable against monsters that can otherwise take you down in one hit, while Charge Blades, in exchange for power, loses all the reliable perks of Swords and Shields; such as the ability to use items while blocking and the ability to smash your shield on the opponent's face. These disadvantages aside, they do have a lot of cool things to offer; such as an empowerment buff for the Dual Blades that allows you to increase the damage you inflict and the Charge Blade's phial attacks, dealing massive damage to monsters should you know how to master them. To be honest, the Dual Blades is an easier weapon to master between the two, but the Charge Blade is more rewarding to do so... if only for its very, very, VERY small weapon library!
Top 2: Great Sword

+ A large weapon that is VERY EASY to use
+ Has a large weapon selection, branching from Buster Swords to Bone Blades
+ Decent base damage
+ Allows you to shield attacks
+ Attacks have very small costs in sharpness
* Heavy weaponry that hinders movement
* Proper timing is important for heavy damage
* Sharpness is overall mediocre, making it very reliant on Whetstones
* Blocking attacks reduces sharpness
Notes: This is actually the first weapon type that I ever used... and imagine on how much fun that I had with this thing! Hacking, slashing, blocking; all at once! Well, not really, I can also do those things with Swords and Shields, but nevertheless, the Great Sword is a better weapon for me! The charge attacks with this thing is very rewarding if you timed it right, making devastating damage against foes with ease. Also, there is a GREAT weapon selection for Great Swords, making you sure that you don't get bored on ever using them. However, one thing that I hate about this is that blocking an attack will reduce the sharpness of your weapon, and with a not-so-outstanding sharpness on certain swords, things can get a little haywire... Especially if you lack the Whetstones to alleviate the already dire situation that you have. If you are the person who would like to try out large weapons while being a greenhorn in the world of monster hunting, then I highly recommend on using these harbingers! It's a great weapon with a lot of things going for with little skill needed.
Top 1: Hammer

+ Arguably the strongest weapon type in terms of raw damage
+ Has devastating multi-hit attacks
+ Capable of smashing monster parts with ease
+ Has the ability to stun foes upon repeated hits in the head
+ Another "easy-to-use" weapon
* As a dedicated blunt weapon, it cannot cut tails
* With a few technique options, using a hammer can become boring at times
* It's multi-hits can leave your hunter allies hindered if you're not careful on using it
* Careless swinging may ruin player strategies (accidentally flinging them away)
Notes: And here it is, my top favorite throughout the Monster Hunter series, and for a variety of good reasons. It has an amazing attack power; arguably the strongest weapon throughout the game (that title also goes to the Hunting Horn due to the fact that also shares the trait of having a high base attack), it has access to multi-hit combos which is capable of dealing large damage with ease, and it also possess the ability to stun monsters upon repeated hits in their noggin. However, it also comes with a cost. The hammer, while has a lot of power, does not offer a lot in terms of game play. It does what it does best, however, breaking heads and stunning large monsters with ease. In addition, it is very easy to control, making it one of my most used weapons to date. Just be careful on where you swing that hammer, because players may find it annoying to be toppled down every single time!
And that's all for this list. I apologize if you favorite weapon type did not meet the cut there. Probably because:
1. I never probably enjoyed using that much or...
2. I've never played those weapon types too often
Anyways, should you ever want to share on what your favorite weapons in the Monster Hunter series are, then feel free to leave comments about it! I do appreciate it :)
Until then, happy hunting! :D