That being said, here are the other character's that I have in mind for my Dream Roster! :)
NOTE: All of the proposed moves and Final Smashes are based on what game they originally existed.
1. Einst Alfimi from Super Robot Taisen (Alfimi wreaks havoc!)

Reason: Well, as one of the more enigmatic characters in the series, Alfimi has that certain charm that really makes me interested in the character. Although, I really can't tell what can be her attacks are, since most of the animations in the original game are somewhat deemed violent for Nintendo standards... (now if only she becomes included).
Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Yomiji (Default Special) - summons one of her familiars; firing an energy beam in a straight line. Holding the B button longer will make the beam smaller and deals weaker damage.
2. Shishio Blade (Side Special) - Alfimi brandishes her blade against an enemy. Press the B button rapidly for a follow-up attack.
3. Mabuitachi (Air Special) - Alfimi slashes downward, emitting a powerful shockwave while pushing her upward as well. Pressing the B button again will allow her to perform another slash, but it will not push her upward.
4. Spirit Drain (Down Special) - Alfimi summons spheres and attacks the enemy with the most damage, stunning it. If multiple foes are present in the field, they are just simply damaged.
Final Smash: Raigoue - Alfimi brandishes her sword. Anyone caught by her attack will suffer from her ultimate attack. She summons her mysterious mech, Personlichkeit, and unleashes an array of beams from all directions.
2. Zero from Megaman Zero (Zero rises!)

Reason: Since that Mega Man appeared in the Smash series, I don't see a reason why Zero don't deserve the spotlight! :3
Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Zero Knuckle (Default Special) - grabs enemies, damages them, and absorbs their abilities to convert the knuckle into another weapon; upgrading it. Press the throw button to discard your assimilated weapon; converting it into a bomb. When your Zero Knuckle has an ability, your other abilities will have improved effects.
2. Skewer Dash (Side Special) - Zero dashes forward with Z-Saber in hand, damaging anyone he approaches with. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, it transforms into Volt Rush, paralyzing foes while being damaged.
3. Aerial Fang (Air Special) - Zero jumps and performs an upward slash. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, it transforms into Flame Fang, dealing more damage and it pushes Zero higher than usual.
4. Edge Divide (Down Special) - Zero performs a downward slash. Zero's sword fires energy balls as it reaches the ground. It can only be used in mid-air. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, it transforms into Earth Divide, dealing greater damage and spouts energy-based boulders instead.
Final Smash: Giga Attack - Zero charges his Zero Knuckle, slams it into the ground, and large amount of energy beams will descend from above, dealing damage to all enemies in sight. With an upgraded Zero Knuckle, his Final Smash will deal triple the damage than usual, however, it automatically discards the weapon it assimilated.
Side Note: Well, I could also propose that Zero can also use a variety of weapons other than the Zero Knuckle. However, this will not improve the effects of his other attacks. Weapons such as the Recoil Rod and Shield Boomerang; adding versatility to his attacks. Take note, these are only custom moves, so Zero Knuckle is still his default special.
3. Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II (Roxas emerges!)

Reason: The reason I put him here is because of the mysterious nature that he has in the game (and I believe that Sora is just TOO mainstream). He started as a Nobody, and he'll remain a Nobody (I'm sure many KH fans will bash me for this, but come on, cut me some slack here, I still need to play more) :(. However, the good thing about Roxas is that he has a lot of fighting potential, being a Keyblade wielder and all. :D
Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Fire (Default Special) - shoots a burning bullet from the tip of his Keyblade, dealing damage.
2. Thunder Raid (Side Special) - throws his Keyblade towards enemies, brimming with electric energy, and strikes them. The damage decays when it hits enemies more than once.
3. Glide (Air Special) - Roxas glides in the air.
4. Blizzard Shield (Down Special) - Roxas gains additional super armor and attack damage for 15 seconds. However, this will slow him down.
Final Smash: Oathkeeper and Oblivion - Roxas summons his two Keyblades, Oathkeeper and Oblivion, allowing him to deal more damage and adds additional launching power to all of his attacks for the next 20 seconds. Pressing the B button again before his Final Smash ends will allow him to unleash Magic Hour, firing beams from all directions. Executing Magic Hour ends the Final Smash immediately.
4. Ryu from Breath of Fire (Ryu roars from the depths!)

Reason: Breath of Fire is one of the only few RPG franchises that Capcom has ever produced... and I must say that BoF has some unique charms to it. The theme on where dragons are the "sentient" beings found, the various unique settings and characters, as well as the story line; all of which has a certain incarnation of a young man with dragon-born powers. Ryu simply deserves to enter in the world of Smash Bros, and these reasons strengthen its case. I mean, come on! Who doesn't want to play as a fire-breathing dragon?!
Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Dragon Strike (Default Special) - Ryu harnesses the power of a dragon within him, granting him some certain boosts and it can allow Ryu to improve some of his attacks using a certain stance. Ryu can choose 3 different stances.
2. Piercing Edge (Side Special) - Ryu dashes forward and stabs an enemy with his sword. If he has the Fire Dragon Strike stance, his sword will transform into a dragon head; unleashing a stream of fire in its wake.
3. Mortal Drive (Air Special) - Ryu jumps high and at the top, he performs a downward slash. If he has the Ice Dragon Strike stance, Ryu unleashes ice shards as he lands.
4. Counter Sword (Down Special) - Ryu fixes his stance and when he gets attacked, he will counter it with a sword attack. This has increased damage against non-sword users. If he has the Bolt Dragon Stance, Ryu's counter stance duration is longer and the damage becomes greater.
Final Smash: Great Dragon - Ryu stabs his sword on the ground and transforms into the Great Dragon. In this form, Ryu summons gigantic meteors from random directions, instantly KOing them on the first hit, then damaging them severely on consecutive hits.
5. Axel from Kingdom Hearts (Axel sears forward!)

Reason: Another Axel to be included in my dream roster, but unlike the other Axel, this guy actually has a heart of gold, and shows some degree of concern for his allies and doesn't regard them as merely disposable tools for war. Additionally, behind that fiery face, Axel has a cool personality; being able to fix his composure despite being defeated multiple times. He's just that cool! Additionally, his powers can be a great benefit for the entire Smash Bros community; adding diversity to an already diverse game! :D
Proposed Special Moves and Final Smash:
1. Heat Chakram (Default Special) - throws a chakram at an enemy, pulling it and dealing damage. Press the B button again to throw another chakram. Can be used in conjunction with Glide.
2. Firaga Blade (Side Special) - Axel rushes in and slashes the enemy three times using his chakrams. The third slash will unleash a fiery explosion, damaging nearby enemies as well.
3. Empowered Glide (Air Special) - Axel glides in the air. Hold the B button to prolong floating in the air.
4. Firewall (Down Special) - Axel unleashes a fiery wall, damaging and trapping anyone who approaches it. Using Firewall in the air will also cause Axel to be pushed upward.
Final Smash: Fiery Rhapsody - Axel summons a fiery field in the area and transforms everyone's damage counter (excluding Axel's) into an HP meter of 100. Axel has 20 seconds to defeat all of them, and when he does, Axel wins the game. If he does not, however, Axel will just unleash a stream of fire throughout the field, dealing damage to enemies, and the battle proceeds as normal; ending the Final Smash. Take note that he can be KO'ed when using this Final Smash; ending it immediately.
And I think that wraps up Part Two of my Dream Roster! I think... O.o
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