Seriously though, each Ability has their own functions and characteristics which provide a variety of effects that will help your Pokemon to reach its fullest potential. However, some Abilities do not really help the Pokemon more than intended. Regardless of such circumstances, all of these Abilities are a lot of fun to use and, perhaps, to mix-and-match them in order to fulfill victory in a variety of ways.
Here is my TOP 10 Favorite Pokemon Abilities!
TOP 10: Overgrow, Blaze, and Torrent

Generation 6 starters that can learn these Abilities; Chesnaught, Delphox, and Greninja and their Hidden Abilities: Bulletproof (Chesnaught), Magician (Delphox), and the ever-broken Protean (Greninja)
These Abilities have come close to my heart in my Pokemon journeys. Why? Because it is the default Ability of your beloved starter Pokemon; allowing them to increase their Grass, Fire, and Water moves (respectively) when their Health is down to 1/4 of their maximum. Quite similar to the Desperation Attacks of Final Fantasy VI, this ability can allow you to dish out some major damage in the most decisive of moments. Just watch out for those Quick Attacks and Ice Shards because it will end your game for good (or at least your Pokemon). Most of these Abilities, however, are overshadowed by their Hidden ones; making these Abilities almost obsolete in competitive play. Nevertheless, it has some useful niches.
TOP 9: Pressure

Pressure can be learned by most Legendaries from older Generations such as Lugia.
Ever worrying about certain attacks that would probably spell your doom? Getting annoyed with those exclusive attacks that ticks off your team to no end? If your answer is yes, then this Ability will surely solve those problems. Sending a Pokemon with Pressure in battle will cause the opposing Pokemon to spend 2 PP on the moves it use. This is a very useful move to punish Pokemon who focuses much offensively. However, with only a handful of very bulky Pokemon that has access to Pressure, it's reliability is pretty questionable. The effect, however, is really worth it (if you know what you are doing).
TOP 8: Gale Wings

A total jerk since Reckless Staraptor.
The Fletchling line of Pokemon is the bird residing the Kalos region, but as it turns that its final form is also one of the most overused Flying-Type Pokemon in the current meta, and this Ability is the reason why. Gale Wings is an Ability that adds priority to all Flying-Type moves by 1; making those deadly Brave Birds and Acrobatics feels like a Perish Song at some degree and 2; this can allow Talonflame users to guarantee a KO on an opponent's Pokemon. Fortunately though, this ability is a Fletchling line exclusive Hidden Ability and for good reason. Seriously, if a single Pokemon outside Talonflame can ever learn this move, I am gonna tell you that I won't be sticking myself to that Stealth Rock fodder.

Steelix is a classic example of being a Rock-headed Pokemon with an amazing 200 Defense stat.
Certain moves love this particular ability such as Double Edge and Head Smash; allowing you to deal massive damage without the severe recoil. It's like a downgraded version of Sheer Force and a handful of Steel and Rock Pokemon can be able to learn this. However, with the prevalence of the likes of Skarmory and Ferrothorn, this ability is pretty hindered. If only a Fire Pokemon can learn Rock Head, then it would probably wreck teams. Now that I mention Sheer Force...
TOP 6: Sheer Force

As a Hidden Ability accessible by both Nidoking and Nidoqueen, this can allow players to make them mixed attackers or special attackers; adding some degree of use.
Ever wanting to deal tons of damage but just can't seem to make the cut? Well, only a handful of Pokemon can enable to surpass a difficult challenge which can also put up a really good fight at some extent, and Sheer Force is a sure-fire way to go toe-to-toe with the many Pokemon that comes in your way. This ability can help your offensive moves with secondary effects deal more additional 30% damage while sacrificing those secondary effects in the process. Pretty much a reasonable exchange for having improved offenses, but if you are a person who rely too much on status hax when dealing with opponents, you better stay away from this.
TOP 5: Toxic Boost

Zangoose's empowered coverage moves (such as Close Combat and Shadow Claw) can be a very reliable way to deal with threats that other Normal-Types cannot properly deal against.
Zangoose is an interesting Pokemon with a lot of promise, and has a very deep hatred for Poison-Types (specifically Seviper). However, its ability Immunity is practically useless outside Toxic and Poison Point. Its Attack has potential but its just simply outclassed by other Normal-types like Staraptor and Kangaskhan. So what did Game Freak do to add some viability to this Pokemon? Simple, by giving the Pokemon unbelievable strength when exposed to its hated Type, Poison. Toxic Boost allows Zangoose to gain 50% Attack boost when either poisoned or badly poisoned. Well I know very well that Poison can wear the Cat Ferret Pokemon down after a while, but at least it's Facades will surely hurt teams for good and that is simply worth the fainting. It may not also be able to win any competitive battles, but the novelty of strengthening your Pokemon behind tough odds can surprise your foes off-guard.
TOP 4: Sturdy

Aggron is one of the popular Steel-types in the current meta with good bulk and fighting strength. It also has access to Stealth Rock and Sturdy; making it somehow an unstoppable setter.
Sturdy is a very great Ability to have for any setter Pokemon, but if you are playing Sturdy in Generation III then I would like to reconsider that statement. Generation III (until Generation IV) Sturdy only is capable of negating one-hit knockout moves like Fissure and Sheer Cold. However, due to the detrimental amount of Pokemon who can learn these moves and its uselessness in competitive play, Sturdy became a useless ability all throughout those Generations. Generation V, however, gave the additional ability to withstand a lethal blow that can actually faint your Pokemon (akin to a Focus Sash); giving it a large degree of usefulness for Pokemons who don't rely on the aforementioned Focus Sashes or Bands (the latter is banned, however, in competitive play). All in all, Sturdy is the ultimate defensive Pokemon Ability (in my opinion, at least).

Arcanine is a solid choice to be built as a potential tank, thanks to Intimidate.
Another top-class ability to consider for every Pokemon team. Many Trainers nowadays focuses on Pokomon with high Attack power; launching Brave Birds, Flare Blitzes, and Earthquakes left and right of the battlefield. The current meta includes hard offenses and scary tactics, however, with the abundance of Garchomps and Talonflames that are bombarding the meta, Intimidate can really come in handy. This Ability can help cripple these threats by lowering their Attack stat by one level. The Attack reduction may not be enough to dominate them , but this Ability can help you survive long enough to counterattack and switch out if necessary. In short, it may not be able to win battles, but it can determine the difference between cleverness and recklessness.
TOP 2: Prankster

Annoying as it seems, Sableye is just one of the many excellent Pranksters out there, capable of whittling down foes with Will-O-Wisp, preventing fellow setters with Taunt, and recovering lost health with uhhh... Recover.
Ever having this difficulty of setting up your Thunder Waves and Will-O-Wisps? Do you feel that you want something that can help your setters to do their thing without getting outran by most Pokemon? Then this ability is a sure-fire way to scratch that itch. Prankster basically makes all of your status moves like a Quick Attack; gaining +1 priority that's definitely going to win teams if utilized well. However, like most priority attacks, if two Pokemon that possess Prankster duke out their status skills, the faster Pokemon goes first so keep that in mind when dealing with such threats. Nevertheless, its an annoying ability that can surely win you battles with nasty effects in your arsenal.
TOP 1: Mold Breaker

Excadrill (one of the Ubers of Generation V) can gain access to Mold Breaker as its Hidden Ability, but I usually prefer Sand Rush on my Excadrill.
One of the most powerful Abilities in the game; next to Protean and Speed Boost Blaziken. Mold Breaker simply makes games practically very easy as it can enable to bypass some powerful Abilities in the game like Levitate and the ever-annoying Multiscale (denying Dragonite to even setup or deal any damage at all). Simply put, it will win tons of battles if utilized well enough to its maximum potential.
First of all, I would like to thank Bulbapedia and Smogon University for providing useful insights with their data and I appreciate many more Pokemon content coming from you guys. It really is fun to do things you really like... most of the time that is. Until then, Trainers. See you next time.
NOTE: Pictures that I used in this blog does not belong to me but it belongs to their respective owners.
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