Saturday, September 17, 2016

Character ideas for Phantom of the Kill - Part 4

OK. So there have been another case of Killer Prince and Princess fever... and I was one of its unfortunate victims... NOT!

But seriously, Phantom of the Kill has just gotten better. Nevertheless, I must say that the content is still lacking... probably because there are not enough supply of Lazulis to satisfy us F2P players. This doesn't mean, however, that they don't deserve support. In fact, the game itself is becoming even more playable now with new chapters and events (I am still hoping for that Brave Frontier cross-over to happen once more... also Dempagumi Inc).

That being said, here's another edition of making another set of characters that may or may not appear in Phantom of the Kill.

Consider it a vision of sorts...

Again, here are the factors that I am going to use to formulate the character concept.
1. Potential background (based on gender) and Element (now added)
2. Weapon Type
3. Preferred Trait
4. How many stars does this unit evolve into?
5. Signature Skill
6. Leader Skill

Today's theme is Killer Princes. With a massive influx of Killer Princesses being released, I am quite impressed to see diversity that this game provides. However, the amount of Killer Princes in this game is quite low, which is why I decided to make ideas for Killer Princes that has yet to appear in the game. I am only focusing on ideas that has yet to appear in the Global Version, so my apologies if there are characters proposed in those post that have already been released in the Japanese version.

1. Areadbhar (M) 

Element: Dark

Potential Background: Areadbhar is a vicious warrior that takes no prisoners. He is scarred by a terrible fate that he can never escape from. His Killium comes from Areadbhar, meaning "Slaughterer" and one of Lugh's mythical weapons. When he was young, he was said to have gifted with a power to "destroy all life". He tries to prove otherwise by saving an entire village. However, instead of driving away the bandits that attacking the village, his power destroyed everything in sight; including the village he's supposed to protect. His mind snapped and realized that he cannot save anyone, and instead goes to the Ragnarok Institute to harness his new-found power to save everyone... by destroying them. Many Killer Princesses and Princes are quite afraid of him, as a result. However, he was said to be the only one whom Zero considered "his equal". Whether it is true or not, Areadbhar do not care that much.

Weapon Type: Spear

Preferred Trait: Force, Dexterity

Stars: A 4-star unit capable of evolving to a 5-star unit

Signature Skill: Eternal Bloodlust - May activate when attacking. Areadbhar deals a critical blow to an enemy, dealing 400% damage instead of the usual 300% damage.

Leader Skill: Chaos Incarnate - +5/+10/+15 Critical Chance to all allied Dark units in whole stage

2. Vajra (M)


Potential Background: Sassy and full of charisma and style, Vajra never fails to lighten up the battlefield with bad one-liners that never gets old... or so he believes such. His Killium comes from Vajra, a sacred weapon used by Indra. He used to be a magician, creating grand illusions to impress people far and wide, which is where he gets his grandeur appearances every time he fights. However, he is more known by Killer Princes and Princesses as some sort of a "guy who watches too much comedy back in his childhood", which is why he was given the title "Mockingbird" much to their annoyance.

Weapon Type: Gun

Preferred Trait: Magic, Dexterity, Guard

Stars: An automatic 3-star unit capable of evolving to a 5-star unit

Signature Skill: Sleight of Laughter - May activate when attacked. When activated all, damage taken will be reduced to 1. Does not activate when it's HP is above 50%.

Leader Skill: Marksman's Oath - +6/+8/+10 Accuracy and Magic to all allied Gun units in whole stage

3.  Muramasa (M)

Element: Dark

Potential Background: A young warrior who wants to isolate himself from the crowd due to the power he hides from within. His Killium comes from Muramasa, a blade once owned by a man in the verge of madness. In order to achieve more power, he sacrificed his ability to speak, which is why he only conveys his thoughts through moans and grunts. Despite this, he is a gentle soul that only unleashes his bad side during battle. However, just like his Killium, he grows insane as his power continues to grow each day, which is why he tends to stay away full of people as his power may someday destroy them...

Weapon Type: Sword

Preferred Trait: Force, Guard

Stars: An automatic 5-star unit

Signature Skill: Edge of Madness - +35 Critical Chance when equipping a sword

Leader Skill: Trueblade's Wrath - +15 Attack to all Sword allies in whole stage (additional +4 if it is Dark Element)

Well, that's all for now. What are your thoughts on this? Let me know by sharing your insights here. It is truly appreciated.

Have a great day. :)

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