There are many reasons to use this Pokemon: a unique typing, a decent stat distribution, and a flexible move pool. However, it cannot justify its sophistication and power from its higher-tier competitors. Regardless, this Pokemon has a lot of things going for.
Subject No. 17
Name: Empoleon
Species: The Emperor Pokemon
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 186.3 lbs.
Type: Water, Steel
Possible Abilities: Torrent, Defiant
Smogon Tier: UnderUsed

Insights: Empoleon has a very unique typing combination; Water and Steel. This can allow Empoleon to have ten different resistances while balancing it out with having certain weakness against the more common types in the metagame. Empoleon has solid stats, focusing on its Special Attack and overall defenses, that can go on par with other Pokemon on its tier. Additionally, Empoleon has a lot of synergy within team compositions focusing on bulky attackers and teams that is dedicated to Rain Dance.
Recommended Ability: Torrent
Torrent adds a little more consistency when it comes to competitive battles, but Defiant can allow Empoleon to wreck teams by becoming a sweeper. Ability choice depends on your team composition and overall synergy for your team's success. However, because Empoleon's Attack is mediocre, Torrent is a more suitable choice due to its high Special Attack and a more dedicated move set that aligns well with the mentioned stat. Honestly, I prefer my Empoleon as a physical sweeper nonetheless.
Recommended moves:
1. Hydro Pump - Empoleon's main special STAB move that can deal hefty damage in the rain. The only letdown here is its accuracy.
2. Flash Cannon - another special STAB that lowers the foe's Special Defense. A very nice debuff against those pesky walls that kicks you with status ailments all around the corner.
3. Ice Beam - good coverage move with decent power and it has a chance to freeze enemies in their tracks. It's also a good way to deal with Dragons.
4. Scald - burns foes while dealing decent STAB. It's a hot thing, I tell you!
Other recommended moves:
1. Waterfall - Empoleon's main physical STAB that flinches opponents and deals hefty damage. An indispensable move that focuses more on Defiant sets but can also work with Torrent's boosts.
2. Steel Wing - another physical STAB that raises the user's Defense. A quite decent attack.
3. Aqua Jet - when running a physical set, this is certainly a no-brainer. This priority move has good typing and it always strikes first. Seriously, who doesn't even want this move?
4. Swords Dance - increases Attack. Pretty good because Empoleon can resist certain attacks to allow the boosts to rack up.
5. Earthquake - the most unique move for a Physical Empoleon build. It wrecks teams with its powerful attack and perfect accuracy. It's THAT reliable!
Recommended items:
1. Splash Plate - one of Empoleon's main niche items that increases the damage output of its Water attacks. Usable on either physical or special sets.
2. Life Orb - sweeper Empoleon can wreck teams if used properly, and this item can does that exponentially well. The recoil can be a hassle, however.
3. Metal Coat - another solid niche item. Increases Steel moves in a pinch.
4. Assault Vest - a great choice for a tank build which increases its Special Defense exponentially. Also, in addition to an already durable Pokemon, it helps the mentioned Pokemon survive a lot.
Recommended nature: Adamant or Modest
There are only two natures that can be viable for the beloved Emperor Pokemon. It can either be a muscular penguin with high Attack or a powerful nuke that boasts its outstanding Special Attack. Nothing else. However, with a decent overall stat, it's not bad to experiment on other builds.
Overall: Empoleon has a decent niche... and it has a lot of potential in store for it. Now that Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire has been released, Empoleon has now gained access to some potentially powerful moves that can help the Emperor Pokemon gain the upper hand.