Attention all Trainers!
That's right! All Trainers who are reading my blog right now. The time has come for you to rise up on the challenge to face the strongest of Trainers out there (or at least, invite them in a match) and I am here to help you out on how to gear up your Pokemon for battle.
However, I am gonna need the help of Smogon and Serebii regarding these matters since that most of these builds are fruits of their own research and I must say that they did their research well enough. Nevertheless, not all of the builds you are gonna see in this particular blog are part of their designs because I modified some of them to satisfy my own approach to these Pokemon.
So without further delay, I welcome you to the field where the greatest of the greatest, boldest of the boldest, and the strongest of the strongest gather around to seek Pokemon tips which they can use to train them to their fullest potential.
Subject No.1
Name: Ambipom
Species: The Long Tail Pokemon
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 44.8 lbs.
Type: Normal
Possible Abilities: Technician, Pickup
Smogon Tier: UnderUsed
Insights: Ambipom is likely one of the fastest (if not the fastest) Pokemons out there in the Underused tier. Probably because its so frail that most Pokemon will deal with it in a matter of seconds and there probably are much faster (and more powerful) ones out there, but the real potential of Ambipom lies in its hit-and-run tactic; hitting opponents with Fake Out and running away with U-Turn the next turn; infuriating players to no end. It is a brilliant tactic that certain Pokemon can emulate, but not as annoying as Ambipom since Fake Out can benefit well from its Type and STAB as well as its high Speed that can even outrun most of the non-scarfed Overused tier of Pokemons. It's just THAT annoying!
Recommended Ability: Technician
It is the only useful ability that Ambipom can rely on competitive battles which allows Ambipom to gain 50% additional damage to all of its offensive abilities with 60 Power or less; which can make a very horrendous threat if not countered well. Those Fake Outs will surely hurt you if you do not have something to wall against it.
Recommended Moves:
1. Return - this move begs to be used by Ambipom and perhaps by every other Normal-Types out there because it hits REALLY hard and for good reason. It's a Normal-Type move that has a base power of 102 with max Happiness and, along with STAB, it can hit Pokemon that does not resist or immune to Normal moves extremely well. In addition, Ambipom's Speed can enable to deal such burst damage very quickly.
2. Fake Out - this move is a staple for any Ambipom build (with the exception for a Nasty Plot build) that can flinch an opponent and can definitely utilize the Technician boost. Ambipom is just one of the few Pokemon who can utilize STAB Fake Outs which can make it an additional asset to any team composition, and that is JUST the beginning.
3. U-Turn - this makes up Ambipom's infamous hit-and-run technique, dealing enough damage with Fake Out and retreat from the fray with U-Turn. It's not just a way to survive fights but it can also take down Psychic and Dark Types with ease. Just be sure to watch out on what you pick on the switch or your offensive momentum may screw up!
4. Brick Break - Reflect users like Klefki can literally shut down Ambipom's amazing offenses, but with Brick Break, this can help you break said move into their place while dealing considerable damage to Weavile and Sassy Ferrothorn (just be prepared for residual damage from the latter).
5. Double Hit - a two-hit STAB attack that is also a signature move of Aipom and also needed to evolve into an Ambipom. I see no reason not to include this attack as recommended.
Other recommended moves:
1. Thunder Wave - an already annoying move that paralyzes enemy Pokemon with no penalty in accuracy. However, it can be redundant and unnecessary since Ambipom is already fast enough.
2. Payback - not really a helpful move to begin with, but it has a certain niche against Ghost-Types because of tendency of players to pick off foes with Fake Out and as an added coverage against said Type.
3. Quick Attack - another Priority move that acts as a secondary Fake Out but without the 100% flinch rate and 1st-turn only restriction. It is only useful for revenge-fainting Pokemons, and nothing else.
4. Toxic - this move is situational and sometimes uncalled for, but its worth adding up. Ambipom can set up some nasty effects on foes while being fast enough to do so, and that is always promising.
5. Baton Pass - this move synergizes well with Agility, Nasty Plot, and other stat-increasing modifiers to help allies get the boosts it need to fight against some serious opponents.
6. Swift - not really helpful due to its abysmal Special Attack (60 is not that good for a Special Attacker build) but Nasty Plot can be extremely helpful on raising it, regardless.
Recommended Items:
1. Silk Scarf - this increases Ambipom's Normal-Type moves by 20%. It's not a big boost but with Technician and STAB, it CAN hurt opponents.
2. Life Orb - increases the power of all of your moves by 30% in exchange for a certain amount of HP. It may not be a Mienshao which can heal its HP as it runs away, but this is what Ambipom is known for; hitting at your foes, taunting them, and running away.
3. Normal Gem - a one-time use item that powers up the next Normal move by 50%. A short burst of damage can be really helpful at times, but if you prefer a longer lasting damage increase, just pick the two previous items I mentioned. It's all that worth it, regardless.
4. Focus Sash - helps your Pokemon survive a lethal hit from full health. Use it only on a Baton Pass build. Do not use it on any other sets.
Recommended Nature: Jolly or Adamant
It's up to you on which one you want to prioritize. Do you want to deal more damage? Or do you want to chip away an amount of the opponent's Health while being a boss about it? The EV Distribution for Ambipom is the generic hitter build (252 in Attack and Speed and 4 on something) to maximize the damage potential of Ambipom. You can also build a Special Attacker one if you want to utilize Baton Pass and Nasty Plot for a more different approach, but choose Timid on that one as its preferred Nature. But why would you want it to fire up Swifts if you can knock them out cold with your harder STABs?
Overall: Ambipom is a swift striker with a lot of promise and it has that particular niche that only this Pokemon can pull it off flawlessly. Well there are other Pokemon who can copy this strategy, but Ambipom is the only one who can use such meticulous tactics to succeed in the even harder fights... and live to tell the tale.
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