Ever had this feeling of satisfaction when seeing gigantic robots? Well, if you are the type of person who likes giant robots and Pokemon, then you might want to consider having Golurk in your party. It's a huge powerhouse that has a lot of potential only to be hindered by certain threats that shuts the automaton down pretty easily. Regardless, it's a strong Pokemon with a LOT of promise.
Subject No.3
Name: Golurk
Species: The Automaton Pokemon
Height: 9'8"
Weight: 727.5 lbs.
Type: Ground, Ghost
Possible Abilities: Iron Fist, Klutz, No Guard
Smogon Tier: NeverUsed

Insights: Voltes, Combattler, Mazinger Z, and even Super Robot Taisen are just one of my many reasons why I am starting to like robots. Golurk LOOKS like a robot and it has such a wonderful design. However, it's not just the design that made me like Golurk, but because of its offensive capabilities. At 124 base Attack, Golurk can go on par with other hard-hitting Pokemon in the higher Smogon tiers; capable of dealing massive damage with its No Guard Earthquakes and Dynamic Punches. The only drawback of this Pokemon is that, like many Super Robots, Golurk also suffers from having very low Speed (55 can be extremely alarming for such a Pokemon with exceptional offensive promise) which can cause other Pokemon to annihilate it very easily. However, its not a reason NOT to try using Golurk, though.
Recommended Abilities: No Guard and Iron Fist
Golurk is a Pokemon that has a large array of fist moves, like Dynamic Punch and Shadow Punch, which is beneficial for this Pokemon because of Iron Fist. The effect? Increases the power of all "punching" attacks by 20% and its not bad. Pumping up those Ice Punches and Hammer Arms can really hurt foes once you hit them. On the other hand, if you want to hit your foes ALL the time, then consider No Guard. This will make sure that everything you blow to your foe WILL hit, no matter what, but the side-effect is that you WILL also get hit regardless on how low the accuracy of a move is; a fair trade-off on such a wonderful ability. Personally, I prefer No Guard more than Iron Fist because confusing foes instantly with a single Dynamic Punch always feels accomplishing.
Recommended Moves:
1. Earthquake - Golurk's most powerful STAB move and (perhaps everyone else's) for obvious reasons. 100 Power and 100 accuracy is something that is stupid enough to be frowned upon.
2. Shadow Punch - another solid STAB move that Golurk can learn naturally. It has 60 base power that never misses. Also, with No Guard, it can hit even Shadow Force Giratina, Ghost Arceus, and Phantom Force users with ease. Now if only this Pokemon can learn Shadow Sneak...
3. Stealth Rock - this is a must for any Pokemon that relies on weakening the opposition before you go for broke. However, Stealth Rock Golurk is pretty hard to come by due to it being a Move Tutor move in Generation V, so pick something else if you do not want to backtrack. Otherwise, have fun with it.
4. Dynamic Punch - this punch is so dynamic that it shakes the opponent's head when making contact with it. Be sure to run No Guard if you want the maximum carnage you need to spam Dynamic Punches to no end!
5. Stone Edge - enhanced critical chance and high power is good a reason to include this move in any Golurk builds, especially No Guard.
Other recommended moves:
1. Fire/Ice/Thunder Punch - all of them are worth considering since it all provides coverage it needs against its weaknesses as well as additional firepower to the already monstrous juggernaut. Also, Iron Fist boosts.
2. Focus Punch - with conjunction to Substitute and Iron Fist, it can neutralize enemies very easily.
3. Drain Punch - another move that can benefit from Iron Fist. It also heals your HP as well, adding a degree of survivability for Golurk.
4. Rock Slide - a probable substitute for Stone Edge with a nice chance to flinch, but who needs it if you already have No Guard? Also, you won't be flinching anyone with this since its too slow to do so.
5. Rock Tomb - good move that lowers the foe's Speed, but its too weak.
6. Hammer Arm - another Iron Fist fodder but at the cost of Speed.
7. Gyro Ball - due to its natural slowness, Golurk can benefit from Gyro Ball, allowing it to destroy faster foes with it.
8. Heavy Slam - another Steel move that benefits from Golurk's heaviness.
9. Phantom Force - a pseudo-Shadow Force that breaks through an opponent's Protect, Detect, and King Shield with ease while nullifying their effects. Just run this on an Iron Fist set to avoid being damaged even when you are SUPPOSED to be invulnerable by that time.
Recommended items:
1. Assault Vest - many Special Attackers out there, so be sure to put this baby on to increase your survivability one notch higher. Besides, you won't be needing status moves for Golurk anyways (unless if you need Stealth Rock).
2. Kasib Berry - there are also many Ghosts who will try to shut down Golurk early on in the game so consider this as a defensive option against these threats. It reduces the next super-effective Ghost attack to hit the user by 50% although it is a bit situational to use it as well.
3. Lum Berry - burns simply snuffs out Golurk so always pick these up when you get the chance to do so. Otherwise, be prepared for a grueling fight!
4. Leftovers - a perfect item if you are going for a support role. Golurk's Defense and Special Defense are very decent to utilize a tank build and this item can do wonders for this Pokemon to survive.
5. Focus Sash - usable only with Stealth Rock or at least to confuse the opponent with a Dynamic Punch before falling down.
Recommended Natures: Adamant and Brave
Both of which benefits its outstanding Attack stat. Golurk's Special Attack is so low that its worth it to run Adamant and its also very sluggish that Jolly won't make the cut so Brave is another option to consider. Do you know what this means? That's right! Trick Room is stellar on Golurk. Also, if you are very itching to make it a pseudo-Jolly Tyranitar, then a Jolly Rock Polish Golurk build is a way to get the Speed Golurk needs while still dealing massive damage.
Overall: You can build Golurk into a variety of ways; a tank, a bruiser, and a support. All of which are a useful role for Golurk. However, there are some certain conditions to consider (such as items, team compositions, etc.) to maximize Golurk's effectiveness in battle.
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